Your posts and incredibly kind review (Thank you for that, really.) say more about you than about my game.
"even in real life people are notoriously unfond of dating those with overwhelming baggage"
You only look at the drama and see that as hindrance where most players see the person.
You think about drama as something to be solved when it's simply something people live with.
You only see the drama and not the happiness that might follow.
Because I think you can ask everyone who ever dated someone who has a lot of baggage.
Those are usually the most meaningful relationships.
Simple because those are the people that don't take anything for granted, especially not happiness.
There is a lot of drama in Sweet Affection, yes.
But that is not what my game is about.
It is about all the characters finding their happiness in their own way.
Not casting aside their pain but embracing it and making it a part of them.
Drama is only part of the journey.
However, I can understand that that is hard to see, at this moment.
All the routes are unfinished so you can not see that happy ending just yet.
As for this line.
" But it certainly doesn't work for long drawn out erotic VNs. "
Then it's a very good thing I've been saying for years now that Sweet Affection is not a porn game.

That it's about the story and the journey of all the characters, that H-Content is simply a part of that journey.
Thank you for your messages and I hope you find something else to enjoy on this website.