It is something I thought about, yes.
However, we are already so far into the development of Sweet Affection and already have implemented hundreds of animations this method, that changing it now would feel very strange, i.m.h.o.
Either people are going to miss the animations how they used to be, or people will wish that all current animations are like that as well.
So, I decided to keep things as they are, right now.
The same goes for updating the art/characters to today's standards. (something that gets requested quite often.)
It would change the look of the characters slightly, and that is something I can't allow to happen.
People fell in love with these characters for a reason, and changing them now would be wrong (i.m.h.o)
And, something that I will never, ever do.
In my next project, I'm aiming for a combination of Interactive Animations and Linear ones (Like in Sweet Affection.)