So, is it just me or is the combat in this game really shitty?
I'm no stranger to 3D hack and slash, but the combat in this is just really floaty, which wouldn't be too bad if it was like Dynasty Warriors, killing dozens of mooks in one shot. But there's so few enemies and it just feels like every attack pattern is going to send me flying past them. A lock on would help a lot with that. There may be one that I never found, but since I didn't find controls or a tutorial in game I don't know. Hell, it took random chance for me to realize mouse 3 (press in on scroll wheel) is dodge.
The levels (while short as far as I got) offer no healing options and seem rather random. I only got to the church area, where I found two "dogs" whose attacks stun locked me and did about 15-20% damage per hit. I managed to beat them, and opened a door to a "strong demon" which seems invulnerable unless it's attacking and I personally couldn't dodge it's attacks and also do damage to it when it was vulnerable.
I feel like this really shouldn't have combat in it, since it seems like a motion comic style would fit the animations better. While the models are nice and the animations I've seen are good, the combat just kills it for me, personally.