I can't say that I disagree with you, even if it would be kind of hypocritical of me. I do share my criticism of these types of games with the devs quite often, not because my insight is particularly worthwhile in the area of porn games, but because I like to run my mouth saying nonsense that sounds eloquent whenever I get the chance.
Yet, Fujino in particular has always struck me as a very mild-mannered, meek person, way too susceptible to criticism from the people of his support pages. That's why I do take care to be a bit more mindful of my wording with him if I do write to him.
That being said, it's also hilarious that you think your opinion matters at all when you spew bullshit in a piracy forum. If you pay for something, than you are completly entitled to give you opinions on any game, movie or anything else you want to criticize.
If you have anything to say, pay Fujino's patreon and go ahead, tell him he is an ugly cuck for not giving us 3 hours of Suguha content each month. I wouldn’t even disagree with such a message.
However if you don't pay up, on the other hand, you are just too poor to voice your opinion.
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Another day, another somewhat related Suguha posting