Well we reach the phase where we start speculate about endings, it's expected most of the ntr doujinshi even the good ones, when the FMC start enjoying been fucked you will get in the best cases 5 to 10 extra pages of it, and it goes like this, more sex, more depraved sex, pregnancy and the only difference is how the Ckuck reacts, Oblivious Cuck, Abandoned Cuck, willingly Cuck or kick the slut to the curb and getting revenge and its over.
In this game i think Fujino started with Oblivious Cuck, Willingly Cuck as possible endings in mind, but he more or less got lost in the plot and i notice he's possibly changing his mind , in some few details.
1. He said he kind lost track and was doing old mistakes and shortcomings from others works like "nero", asking for ideas in the end this could be sometning or not, but show that he's not so sure as he was a year ago about how to move foward.
2. In the plot the Admin give the Council a warning about messing arround with Kirito that will lead to the Fall/destruction of Axios Church, maybe a hint of revenge ending.
3. The admin telling Inoda to fuck off with no more help at the same time he breaks Asuna that tells problably his adavantages will be off soon and will push the plot back to IRL.
4.The possible inclusion of DP for Asuna as hinted in AV store show Fujino considering someone else fucking Asuna not only Inoda or Kirito. Hebishima return and meeting them in the UC is another hint about that.
5.The inclusion of Labyrinth Memory put the Asuna "morals" under a new light for Kirito and explain to the players why she is a hypocrate, like item 2 The admin told not to mess around even Simon said the same at mob reunion he only can remember about SAO not FOG. The thing is the Admin is only supressing his memories/suspicions but now he got access that will be way for him learn the truth about everyone arround him leading to a possible Revenge ending.