I have to admit, honestly, the update was pretty good? I'm surprised anyone is complaining. First 2 Asuna CGs are like prep which I think is understandable given we couldn't exactly get there all in one go? Alice/Sinon plot line I could do without entirely. But even Liz's side I think to this was quite nice. Overall I wanna say I actually enjoyed the ep and I'm very surprised we really did commit to going through with this idea in game. At worst maybe the first 2 shorts were hella short and a little bit lacking but for what its worth pretty good. Definitely need more time though since holy hell this game needs like 2 weeks worth of work to reach a good level.
small edit: Kirito absolutely is a moron who honestly at this point feels like has a brain of actual mush. That the game itself really at this point genuinely doesn't get to act like there's an overarching plot anymore.