Inoda: Senpai senpai! I want to massage your boobs!
Asuna: It is embarrassing but sure, since you are looking for experience with girls go ahead.
Inoda: Senpai senpai! I want you to touch my dick!
Asuna: (wow look how huge it is, compared my mini dick boyfriend) It is embarrassing but sure, why not.
Inoda: Senpai senpai! I want to fuck you just once! Please!
Asuna: Jeez Inoda-kun, that won't do!
Inoda: Senpai senpai! I am going to fuck you one way or another! (and rapes Asuna till morning, countless times)
Asuna: (why did I allow Inoda fuck me, now he fucked my brain out, I can't forget how huge his dick and want more and more!)
This was all it took. At least that's how it seemed to me