
Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Thank you for standing by my side. I see that he does not understand what the laws are in China, nor has he read why the creator Fujino had to flee the country of China

I myself have absolutely no issue regarding lewding Silica and think way too many people treat her like a little girl too much, but I understand why the likes of Patreon and China may have issues with it (Though to be fair I think Fujino fled the country period because they banned ALL pornographic content, not loli-specific), however calling Silica "underage" was kinda a wrong way to say it, as yes, everyone IS still underage if we went by Canon timeline dude (This is supposedly set after the ALO arc and before GGO happened after all, so Asuna technically would still be 17 right now). And both Suguha and Sinon are even younger, hell, a lot of people forget Sinon herself is just like a year older than Silica herself, is just that because of Keiko's body being stuck looking "small" because of SAO many forget (I have seen people who don't know the series in detail think Sinon is older or as old as Kirito or Asuna sometimes, and seem shocked when they realize she's younger than Suguha). But by the logic of this, and any other, Hentai work, all of them are "+18" anyway, regardless of how young they look or not, and Fujino HAS already messed up the timeline completely anyway for the sake of NTR by having things like the ALO arc somehow both having and not having happened, with Kirito's nightmare about Oberon but he apparently never having met Leafa or Suguha not having had her character arc so she could be "NTR-ed" more easily, lol

However, in the end this doesn't really matter, as I mentioned Fujino made a poll about asking which characters people would like to be added to Part 2 a while ago and both Liz/Rika and Alice were the ones that won, but sadly because he had to delete everything we can't really tell for sure if the likes of younger-looking ones like Silica or Yuuki were in said poll or not, which would clarify things, but outside asking Fujino directly is kinda a moot point, especially as at this point Fujino clearly won't add any new characters to the game XP (Then again, despite adding everyone else one way or another to the Sakura Chapter game, Illya remained completely absent so either you guys are right or Fujino simply doesn't like lolis, could be either way after all, we DO know he kinda 'buffs' characters so he may just prefer bigger tits, he gave Sinon a crazy rack in this game from what we have seen in the previews when canonically she's barely less flat than Silica herself XD)
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Oct 28, 2020
The lawmaker make laws to disturb fun times of us fictional character enjoyer while they enjoying body of real life 3dpd and mostly underage among themself. Life sux.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
If you playing on PC just click blurry grey bar on top. If you use phone/joiplay, you can't get past this part. Just use this save which is right after this part.
This has been said many times, but I also think that unless a solution comes out (Which is kinda unlikely at this point) we should also recommend people laying in phone/joiplay to maybe consider playing the game on their PCs period as if this happens every single time Fujino puts a scene like this (And I don't think he would put such a specific kind of scene as a one time thing) then every single time they won't be able to know whatever happens afterward until one can save again and always rely on someone else's save. Sure in this case not much is lost at all but if Fujino put such a scene before a 5 minutes "cutscene" or something like the final day of Part 1 then it would kinda suck big time for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
so part 2 its just a sequel ?
Basically, the game was getting "too big" for the RPGMaker engine that Fujino uses (Mainly as it's not really meant originally to put the "3D animated CGs" of Koikatsu that this game uses), so the game's size was not only bloating but also starting to cause issues, which made Fujino decide to split the game into further parts.


Feb 15, 2022
I played both versions of Part I, with the official version I could see the handjob scene, in the translated version I couldn't and I tried several times. For me it's not a problem since I already knew it, but perhaps for those approaching now it could be a lack or a bug in the new version of the game


Mar 14, 2018

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's


Kilometer Immorales

Active Member
Jul 12, 2020

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

Almost got me there for a sec.
Dec 15, 2018

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So this is the feeling of getting cucked T_T
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Aug 18, 2017

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

dude im so scared


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2019

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's


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