The names of the original SAO characters and their in-game names, lmao XD (And yes, Leafa is Suguha) Silica isn't even appearing in this game because Fujino never planned to add her, which was a giant plot hole compared to canon, so recently with the council dude's fucking Leafa (Which he made to be Silica's dad) he made the 'excuse' as for why she wasn't around by saying she had been depressed ever since she went out of SAO and found out Kirito and Asuna got together...creating even more plot-holes than fixing them actually because it would mean Kirito somehow didn't even try and find out what happened to one of his few friends in all these months without even asking if she was alive, which is dumber than when her existence was just being ignored
If it helps you out, here is a quick list applied to the Canon cast:
Kirito = Kazuto
Asuna = Asuna (LOL)
Leafa = Suguha (Also 'Flora' in this game as that's the nickname she used as a prostitute, which is completely a Fujino thing)
Lisbeth = Rika
Sinon = Shino
Silica = Keiko (Not really part of the game so it doesn't matter XP)
Agil = Andrew (But nobody really calls him by his real name so...)
Klein = Ryotarou (Same as above, lol)