To be honest, Fujino is giving clearly signs of being tired wanting to finish his game as soon as possible.
You can tell what had started as a passion/hoobie project, now has become more and more like chore for him or at least is the impression he's giving, but that dosen't mean he will drop the ball quality wise, but the plot and the game in this final push will not be as good as he had intended originally, well that is , like i said, the impression.
Fujino need to make several things happen in a short amount of time, that's why the focus moving foward will be Asuna only.
The Ritual has everything to go wrong or at least not going in the way Asuna/Kirito wanted wich will be another point of tension/excuse for Asuna, because at some point in the near future she will be impregnated by Inoda and that will be influenced by the failed ritual in some capacity.
So what i think is going to happen is this, between 0.80 and 0.90 we will get the bulk of all first time scenes, IRL sex, trheesome Asuna Liz, incest trheesome Asuna/Kyoko and the trigger/excuse will be Asuna learning that Laefa/Flora is Sugu IRL, and condomless sex by the end.
Now between these 3 and last 2 updates at some point Fujino will use some time skip/jump to show the progression of Asuna's corruption over a big flashback scene/exposition, leading to the ending part where she will want to be impregnate by Inoda.
The secondary characters, will be used more as plot devices, Sugu/Simon for instance will have some influence probably by the last update 0.95 to 1.00, although i believe Simon will betray Sugu before that at some point, the possibility Inoda/Sugu/Simon is almost out of the picture, but never say never, because the impression is that Fujino dosen't have any good arguments for Sugu's plot moving foward.
One thing in this next update Lis event will be with Inoda and not Kirito and the new Asuna costume probably will be something from Liz wich will lead to their first treesome in the near future