Yeah, that'd be nice.
But about the fact that the author will follow the plot of the original as an anime that would not be out of the plot of the source I doubt that he will do it. The first sign that the author doesn't care about the main source of SAO - anime in 90% of cases and the first sign - Alice - Sugu have already met Kirito in FOG, not counting that they meet later and none of them knew Kirito before that And otherwise in the anime Sugu would have already known Kirito that he is her brother + Here Alice met Kirito in REAL and not in the game + she also has to know Kirito later and here she already knew + she is a policewoman.
So the author didn't try to make it so that it doesn't deviate from the source - Anime.
He just took the characters from there and that's it.
The game from this author should be taken as an OLTERNATIVE WORLD in the world of SAO, which has little to do with the original source - anime.
Asuna - Asuna's mother - Lizbeth - This trio, judging by the text that is found in the game's archive - Eh, they're all going to get the worst of it, they become stupid whores under INODA and all fall in love with INODA.
Asuna's mother blackmails the fat one - Well Asuna is super kind after 1 week and after the incident with INODA she decides to ignore INODA for KIRITO's sake but alas 1 week of ignoring has passed and ASUNA RUNS BACK TO INODA'S BED.
And Asuna's mother is being blackmailed even though it's clear that she just doesn't want to disgrace her family and protect her daughter, she also wants to protect her daughter, but it looks like she's going to give inoda up too, but it's probably going to be later than Asuna gives in. So the mother's character is still there, but Asuna is just like (Oh I love Kirito, but I'm going to Inoda).
As for Lizbeth, she'll be with Inoda too, but it's not clear what exactly and how.
But the fact that she is interested in him is already in the game and in the game's archives it is confirmed that it will be like that.
And yes, if we judge by the text of the game archive, ASUNA will cease to be a person, she herself will cease to consider herself so. WHAT'S VERY BAD I don't care that she is somehow super weak in character, but WHAT TOO MUCH
But if you take for example the text from the game's archive, it is sometimes very tricky

At least something good (Not considering that I don't like him that much, but INODA HAS A CHARACTER) unlike Asuna.
Inoda - Secret trickster (But outwardly a fat stupid batan) - But it looks like he can be made to go around and fuck all the girls and women almost in front of everyone.
Kirito - (It's not clear how he'll end up, but I have my guesses

Asuna - (Very VERY VERY weak character will give up in the first few minutes regarding INODA she can't leave him, he needs him so much she just believes in it without thinking). It's a shame she doesn't have such a weak will in anime. - Or even if you take the first part of this game (At least she doesn't forget about KIRITO and tries and hopes that after she is cured she will be fine with KIRITO).
But the second part immediately made Asuna's character (Weak - submissive - and very quickly forgets what and for what she helped INODA - Asuna is now like Blondie BIMBO who will be told and she will do without thinking. )
The second part started off a little abruptly with ASUNA falling into the abyss. Fast on the gave up very quickly. 1 week and she's running (oh, what a way to go).
Asuna's mother - (This is a good start I thought it would be worse but the author is VERY pleased - She refused and sent INODA in the beginning but because INODA helped her. Asuna's mother is cornered by INODA but she doesn't want to hurt her family and wants to protect her daughter, she gives in but seems to be resisting so she doesn't want to, but that's how magic works in the game - INODA is a miraculous fucker, she enjoys it but she still wants to protect her family). Mother is better than Asuna in willpower and character - so she hasn't given up yet and ASUNA RUNS TO INODA after 1 week of ignoring her ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Lizbeth - (It's not clear yet, but she has some chirosity in her too) But judging by the second part of the game and her interest + the archive of the second part of the game.
She will be with inoda but hopefully she won't end up like ASUNA - TOP BIMBO.
Still Lizbeth has a normal star in the game just mentioning in the archive that she will be with Inoda Ehhhhhhhh.
Alice - (It's not clear at all yet and for what it is interesting - but one scene was already in the first part of the game - Was it or not exactly not clear - but very much on it exactly so VERY INTERESTING HOW AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN).
Klein - (It is still not clear and for what is interesting) - Although if there will be a removal of Hebishima in full perhaps after a while may remove and Klein and that he will be someone yes to interfere.
And here as I do things - Somebody distracts me delete at once

leave only one, all the others are unnecessary ha-ha

Let's hope that's not the case.
But EH it sucks when fans can change the storyline and in addition they can influence the authors to remove someone.
HEBISHIMA - (Rich - he seduces weak or docile girls or gets girls by trickery) - Now he's Suguha - Sinon - Librarian - But if he's removed, they'll probably all end up all under INODA, who's a SEX GIANT and he can't get enough ha-ha.
What kind of love will INODA have for ASUNA if he fucks all the women in front of her - at least what kind of love after he fucks his mother in front of ASUNA - The excuse will be the same as the motive INODA HAS A BIG MEMBERSHIP AND HAS A GOOD KNOWLEDGE TO HUMANIZE EVERYONE !
Shola will be renamed and will remain whoremongers ! And kick all the boys out of school so they don't bother him.
But I'm still interested so I liked the first part very much, maybe the author will decide not to make even more abrupt drops.