Reminds me of how the Ordinal Scale movie gave Asuna a non-canon "boost" to her tits, then the Alicization anime decided to keep it, even though the novels insist on it not being Canon and even in the new post-Alicization arc the illustrators keeps drawing her with her original bust-size XD
This is also because there is practically no attractive adult women in SAO before Alicization, to be fair, there is just like, the nurse who took care of Kirito while he was in SAO and she's not even a tertiary character, the others barely count as background characters XD (Hell, Kyouko's 'design' had to be improved by Fujino to make her actually a MILF, and even then she had already been 'upgraded' from her Light Novel design by the anime as in the LN illustrations she honestly didn't look too good
