Unity - Completed - Syahata's Bad Day [v1.0.5] [JaShinn]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.79 on 10/8/2023]

    A Unity game, huh? Last of a dying breed.

    "Dying" and "breed" also a fairly appropriate set of keywords to use for this porn game, owing to the Resident Evil inspiration. Sadly, this does not have the cheesy charm of those games, although it certainly does have some fantastic atmosphere and artwork. The animations are also really good, and the animated H-CGs that have made it into the game are also well made. There's not really any plot, and what little is told through text is done through Machine Translation (MTL) English, so expect nothing exciting on that front; you're a just a school girl in the zombie sexual apocalypse.

    The levels and enemies are varied enough, although there's limited tricks available that the developer could employ, owing to the setting, the slower gameplay pace, and the limited combat control. Still, they make it work -- the developer made some clever choices that reward attentive players and punish inattentive ones. This is well done.

    Running away is a tried and true tactic to avoiding damage in these kinds of games, with the sole exception of avoiding the dogs. Even if you get slowed by spider webbing on the floor, the spider attack animation is just slow enough that full commitment to the Left Direction key will save you the hit. The flower head enemies can also be avoided, but getting an attack in between their vulnerable moments requires some very precise timing, and you're far better off just going ahead and pulling out the assault rifle to mow them down by the time you start seeing them -- the version I played ended shortly after their appearance.

    I was happy with this game, even though it's unfinished as of this review. I look forward to the full version.

    Give it a look.

    M/F, M/M/F, Bugs, Tentacles, Bestiality, Monsters, Game Over Rape, Cum Inflation, Zombies
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun and short. Though there probably will be more stuff added in the future. I found the combat system a bit challenging at times, which is mainly a skill issue on my part. Though still rather fun.

    My favorite part of the game is the multiple side character girls in the background getting fucked by various zombies. It adds a lot of charm in my opinion. I also liked the window showing her internal view and listing the ml of cum she got shot inside her. Though I am not sure if it represents the currently there or just all-time injected.

    Would be nice also if her belly got bigger the more cum, she had inside her. Though maybe that is already the case, and I just didn't reach the necessary threshold.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely phenomenal.
    The updates usually take 3 to 4 months, bjt they are always worth the wait. The game is very easy and you can basically just submit yourself to victory, except for the boss, but no matte rwhat you do, it is still enjoyable.

    The pixel animations and also the game over CG are high quality and convey alot of emotion.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A simple scroller/fighter where you get to see sex animations whenever a monster hits and knocks you down.

    There are also some background sex animations here and there. The art is enjoyable and doesn't feel generic.

    The controls are easy and the pacing is ok, even when at times it may get a bit repetitive due to fighting many enemies of the same kind at once and not wanting to have the same animation replayed 2 seconds later.

    Still a very solid game that does its job.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love this game! Can't wait to see the next update! Here's hoping all enemies with have that cinematic finale! The monsters are great, the fighting is good, and the animations are incredible! This is a great game!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I love these kinds of pixel art games, with relatively high resolution.
    Pixel animation and sounds are pretty good, gallery animations are good but censored.
    Also I'll never understand the kink being raped by disgusting creatures like insects. Zombies and monsters are acceptable, but insects? Really?
    However, I learned to ignore them and in the gallery you can just watch what you like.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer

    It's been a while since the last time I played this game (on that version it ended at the GYM area), the game has grow a lot, there are plenty of new enemies (dogs, rats, tentacles, spiders and many more), all the enemies have H-attack and some of them even have a game over animation (like the rat and the flies).

    The game does have cheats, the infinite ammo and infinite health are great since you can quickly advance and see plenty of H-scenes without getting a game over while enjoying them.

    It does have a Sex Stats menu in which you can see how many semen is inside, # of times she had sex, etc. It also has pregnancy, so far for the flies and spiders but hopefully in the future it will have pregnancy from different monsters.

    Also the game features some corruption, the main character will change what she says the more she has sex, same goes for the animation when she surrenders, changing from a hands up to show underwear to literally inviting the enemies.

    And finally a small detail that I really like and for some reason only few games do... once the main character gets a creampie she will be dripping and make small puddles.

    So stop reading this and go play the game...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    That's a real good game. There is no reason to explain this, trust me.
    If u like side/scrollers, pixel art animations. - Here is one good enough to try.

    Maybe there is just one minus - you are always want more and more like this..=)
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    an ero oni

    Played on 0.79

    Quality side scroller. Good variety of animations and minimal jank as far as I'm concerned.

    It isn't too difficult and is generous with save states although some areas are best 'ran through' instead of taking a while to cheese by healing at a save station.

    Some enemies are bullshit, but that's fine.

    Good time.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Fun Concept

    = Decent Art
    = Decent Animations

    - Awful Controls ( you actually aim via arrow keys with the gun? why? )
    - Bland Combat ( its really just proper spacing with poke / shooting mechancis )
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Amazing side-scroller, which has long been my favorite genre for adult games. Sounds are spot-on and scenes are top-notch for its graphics and if you're into these tags (which I am, of course).

    My concern is that there are bugs (gameplay bugs, I'm not complaining about the flies). For example, if you lay eggs while near an enemy you'll be softlocked in an infinite animation loop. Considering this is a beta, I trust this'll be fixed; especially since the dev is quite friendly to us.

    I also understand that the stamina gameplay might not be for everyone; but I personally like it and have seen it work before on side-scrollers like these.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is great
    Animation is great
    There are cheats
    Gameplay is shite but who the hell cares
    It'ss voiced

    Overall I had fun, and there' quite a bit of tentacle stuff

    Wtf else am I supposed to ssay? let me post my fucking review
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game, MC is cute, gameplay is great. animations are great. My only criticism is I wish there was a hard mode though, a little too easy. Will be following this game for sure. Also would recommend the amount of eggs to be more and random amount.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A really well done game, even if it's still in beta. The gameplay isn't the best, with enemies too tanky and the MC being able to do 2 melee attack before rest xD. Althou the game isn't hard, it can get boring....BUT the gallery, 5 star only for the gallery, ankoku marimo should learn a thing or two from this gallery: always put background animation in the gallery, ALWAYS. (I'm looking at you "Sword of Ryonasis")
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So far this game is really good! Good combat, great lewd scenes and the game overs are well done too! There's only one boss at the moment but it's pretty great, looking forward to more boss fights! If you like side-scrollers you should definitely check this out!
    Likes: Daioh
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    For a beta this game looks incredibly promising. The visuals and animations are great. Few issues persist at the point in time when I'm writing this, like a low amount of voice options that often repeat, and a few bugs here and there that will very likely be fixed sometime in the future. Definitely give it a go if you like the side scrolling H-games.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    just need to get used to controls at the start and everything's a breeze once u know the zombie patterns and simple strats.
    Everythings pretty balanced out, but would want a way to farm gun bullets since enemies spawn infinitely.

    The segs scenes are wonderful especially the cgs. looking forward for more!
    Likes: Daioh
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's just a simple sidescroller with survival/combat elements and some funny lewd scenes. There does seem to be a "genuine" storyline to elaborate on why the world got so messed up, and with hope that our lovely protagonist will be able to escape into safety... hopefully not too corrupted by all these monsters before she reaches the shelter. I love how smooth the game plays, though the controls do get wonky sometimes, as it is sometimes difficult to gauge when specific enemies are in range, or when you are in their attack range. Though honestly, the best part is when you get the firearms, and then you can blast everyone and everything. Maybe this is less about a lewd story of Syahata the Survivor, and about the war-Maiden Syahata the Great?
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Nothing groundbreaking in the sidescrolling genre, defeat gives sex scenes but it's good sex scenes due to the art

    Combat is both hard and easy modo, in the sense that the controls can be jank but once you figure out how it ticks it makes fights simple (for me at least the character freezes after a few swings I swing too much, so to spam attacks I learned to tap X then Z instead of holding X for the combat stance)

    What originally drew me in is that the pause menu shows an Xray of how full of cum our chraracter is, I see there's a corruption element as the more our Syahata gets fucked the more she starts to like it. As it's not finished yet I'd be interested in seeing how much this mechanic plays out but it's nice flavour

    Also a pleasent surprise I personally appriciate is the futa enemy designs, the galery even has a defeat cutscene for the futa zombie showing how our MC also turns into a futa. I love that!

    tl;dr This game really has potential even if combat doesn't flow well. 4/5
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    So, this is actually pretty good game, in the style of Parasite in City, but it needs some work. I'll go over it quickly:

    The Good:
    - Cute protagonist (a little too loli-looking for me, make her look a little more mature please)
    - The pixel animations are good. Really good. Even though most of it is stuff I don't personally like (bestiality, inflation, etc) they're good quality stuff.
    - Gameplay isn't half bad. Some people are complaining that saves aren't common enough, but they're wrong. There are plenty of saves about and if you're doing things right, you won't be taking enough hits to worry about. And you regain health at save points to.
    - There's not much story but it's also pretty straightforward. Escape to safety. A nice, simple premise.

    The not so good:
    - The combat is a little bit slow compared to Parasite in City. I like the greater focus on melee but currently, apart from the boss and the 2 crawling/flying enemies, there's not much to break up the gameplay style.
    - The crouching and aiming-up melee are both bugged and don't respond like they should. I've only got the crouch melee to work a couple of times, which makes the flying and crawling enemies a pain to deal with.
    - The gun deals surprisingly little damage, same as the broom (melee). It takes 2 bullets to kill a rat, something about that doesn't feel right, especially as during the sewers you're using a lot of ammo due to the bugged melee.
    - For a zombie apocalypse, there's not enough zombies. Ditch the bestiality and stick to the theme. It's definitely a personal opinion (and what holds it back from a higher score for me), but the less of it there is the better.

    Areas that are OK but could be improved to really hit the game's potential:
    - The game's atmosphere. It's okay at the minute, but some more environmental storytelling would go a long way to helping the game. It's just empty corridors, some zombies, and a handful of people being fucked by the enemies. Add some music and sound effects, more details to the rooms (be it bloodstains, cum stains, or shadows of people fighting or fucking in the background). Papers on the floor, notices and flyers on the doors and windows, overflowing taps and flickering lights. Just really double down on it and you can boost the game's quality a great deal.
    - More zombies, more combat variety. Give special zombies with special moves. Maybe one (let's say a zombiefied jock) has a charge attack that needs to be baited. Maybe an athlete or gymnast can dodge some of your blows. Maybe a police officer in riot armour one just doesn't get staggered.
    - More interactivity. Just more gameplay options. Hiding, locking doors to stop enemies coming through, etc etc.

    Overall, it's not a bad game and it has great potential.