Unity - Completed - Syahata's Bad Day [v1.0.5] [JaShinn]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Cunny game :sob::eek: Has many lewd scenes, good combat system where you have to stand still to ready yourself to attack. Kind of reminds me of Resident evil 4 original. Syahata is cute too, I am sure lots of coomer would love seeing her getting creampied
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome game with very nice animation.
    Gameplay is good. At first it looks hard, but once you get the idea it is rather easy and you can progress fluently. There is enough variations so far, so that it doesn't get boring.
    It contains very nice rape, breeding and monster sex scenes. Also you dont have to die to get to the scenes, you can simply surrender to the monsters to get to the h stuff without any penalty and continue after that.

    Also looking at the developers blog it looks like this is a very very rare game that is actually frequently updated and new preview-images show up about every week.

    So far it is a short early access state but updates look very promising.

    Update for Version 0.79:
    It is getting better and better with every version. The dev offers more or less frequent and big updates with multiple new enimies and new animations every 3-4 months. It has always been worth the wait so far! Still 100% recommending it!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The animations are all this has going for it. It's an absolute slog to play through, the combat is about as horrid as it gets, and there is zero indication of where to go. Characters you need to find are in doors that look like every other door in the game, and saving is far too few and far between. You walk here, walk past an enemy or spend a full minute killing it, then keep walking. That's the gameplay loop. Just a drag to play. In no way is this fun.
    Likes: BakaG
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of my favorite side-scroller's so far, combat system is a bit bland (you can literally walk past most of the enemies), but phenomenal H-system makes up for it. Overall I would definitely recommend playing this game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I've played worse games in my life. Problems with this one? Gameplay is super awkward and stiff. Only 1 scene that isn't a pixel art. On that note pixel arts in this game are pretty good. Animation is fluent but that's about it. I'm probably not coming back to this game even if it gets future updates.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story 2/5
    Gameplay 1/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 3/5
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    bumba badumba

    Just good game for android with good animation and gameplay , first game like that's for android but i think thats be perfect when this game wose be ready .
    Boss fihte hard but normal hard like perfect boss but enemis some time wery eseay and some time hard thets one problem what i find.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic work, going to be keeping a keen eye on this one.

    Really liking the 'surrender' mechanic, didn't realise it was a damage free grab if you used it until after I'd completed it, oops.

    I did notice the gallery unlocked after the Gym boss and it had all of the enemies, even ones I hadn't fought yet.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The pixel work and animation is definitely good. That said I think people are genuinely putting too much of a slant on this game and its reviews. It certainly has room for improvement but ultimately in its current state and potentially what it'll be like for the rest of its life span is just really bland and boring. The gameplay consists of holding X to ready your attack and pressing Z to attack. Couple this with running down a long ass hallway that takes minutes and is littered about with 1 or 2 different enemies over and over and thats it.

    I do like that there's a few random people strewn about who have succumbed to the tragedy itself, often overlooked as background detail. It would be nice if there were some exploration elements added to the game. Perhaps a simple crafting system or even just a money system where you could buy weapons or ammo or something, ultimately just to give you a reason to explore and have more of these sort of encounters of random people having been taken by whatever creatures in the area are.

    For right now though the most I can say is that it was okay at best. Its a hallway walking simulator with some decent pixel work. Needs a lot more content to get off the ground because the story is barely there. Pretty much just the usual zombie apocalypse strikes but horny edition, now get from point A to point B repeatedly.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play game just for the gym boss for anyone into pixel animations, and shota. Others are also ok around 7/10 score. Simmilar games to this would be drain mansion or succubus affection which are also my favorite.
    Likes: Daioh
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    (v0.32) At this point, I would say if a side-scroller H-games is playable, it is very much a good game. This thing is basically parasite in city with more vibrant and beautiful art. The boss in the end is a plus.
    **Insert "We will watch your career with great interest" meme**
    Likes: Daioh
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations in this game are so incredibly well made. the only thing I'm missing is the possibility to become a futa yourself and be able to have sex with the incapacitated NPC's and enemies you've beaten or be raped by having your cock be used by an enemy.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple, straight to the point and very decent to pretty pixelart. Looking forward to the full game.

    Although, i'd prefer a less tanky boss, the rest of the enemies are a 10/10 with 1 or 2 animations if there's more than 1 enemies.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love where this is going, so far it feels inspired by Parasite In City, either intentionally or not. I like it either way.
    The animations are extremely hot and there IS ANAL which is really hot.

    AND the creator does something that way too many H-Games ignore. and that's showing NPCs in the environment getting fucked. seeing other girls getting fucked in the background is so hot and under-utilized.

    the main issues at the moment is the movement speed is a bit sluggish and so is aiming with the guns. but that can easily change with future updates.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the spiritual successor of Parasite in City. so instant 5/5 from me.

    Use melee as much as possible to save ammo when you really need it. Saves restore your health and finishing the game unlocks the gallery so don't bother losing on purpose to see H-scenes, abuse the hit boxes to walk past enemies, including the Gym boss by walking around his ground shake attack.

    For the later levels you are desperately gonna need the ammo, so save it as much as possible.

    And as an added bonus, unlike Parasite in City where we get a cliffhanger ending where the main character runs away from the city, here the main character is saved by the military and there's an image of the happy relaxed main character sleeping in a bed. Great ending.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Girl is nice...
    Game is... nah... typical RPG but very poor...

    Hold X to prepare stick and press Z to attack, You need around 4 attacks to kill zombie but You can simply come close enough so they attack, move little back and then move forward again... You can evade all zombies like this...

    by all i mean 2... or more like 1 cuz these 2 are just different visual models...

    there is one guy in room that is not zombie but u can't even talk to him...

    Sex Animations are... "ehh" nothing special tbh.
    I dont know what bed is doing but probably saving game?...
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Very little content as of now, the internal tag is misleading as the game in fact does not have internal view in the meaning of what most would care about, which is view during sex, there are 3 enemies, a bug, female zombie with dick and male zombie with dick, 3 animations and not much else, maybe if it gets proper internal view, pregnancy and more enemies and some belly bulging from one big enemy we see in the game (but can't be attacked by) it might be worth 3, maybe even 4 stars, current version 2 at most.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game I can't wait to see next update. I hope to see some impregnation and variaty of crazy zombies, monsters and beasts. Also I see that there is planned charm ability I wonder if it will lead to different animation?
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.19

    The setting and the theme of the game will appeal to anyone who's a fan of the high school zombie survival shows that have recently become popular, as well as people interested in some of the lesser-used monsters of erotica (zombies, bugs, mutated humanoids). However, as of right now, there's not much to the game and some things that worry me about the end vision of this game.

    There are currently (I believe) 3 different locations in the game where you'll see classmates or teachers caught in erotic scenes with monsters. On one hand I think this is a cool touch, but it's such a missed opportunity that there's no interaction with, or even reaction to, these scenes. Hell, they could at least be used to foreshadow the abilities of a monster.

    Aside from those features, the levels are currently shallow and repetitive. The first stretch of the game is an above-ground level made up of copied-and-pasted hallway graphics. They're populated with two monster types that each require five slow, grindy pokes from your stick to kill.

    If you kill a monster, there's no reward. If you're caught, you'll scroll through the same (unskippable and slow-scrolling) dialogue followed by the same sex sequences. Once released, you'll just get up and have another chance to slowly poke them to death or run. You'll repeat this probably 30 times just to advance to the basement. This makes the game feel incredibly grindy.

    As an additional thought, I think this game would greatly benefit from exposing the player to more of the story and worldbuilding via things like an introduction of the character, the addition of scenes with text and/or options, and more exciting backgrounds. It also desperately needs stronger pacing done through some combination of faster combat, less mobs, and/or shorter halls.

    I'm hopeful to see this game grow, but right now it's barely a proof of concept and showing some worrying patterns.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Animations are really well done, not only the ones with the main character but also you will find "hidden" animations throughout the playthrough, making exploration worth it and also satisfying.
    Combat is clunky, as these kinda games usually tend to have, but it works how it is supossed to work.

    Being completly honest, there's not much content to talk about here but for a 30MB download this is a 10/10 in my fun per MB scale.
    Rating 5* for now even though it is a beta, hoping the dev keeps delivering on the content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    - High quality pixel animations
    - Rewarding exploration, not only do you find items hidden but also spicy pixel scenes
    - Combat is a bit unpolished but at its core perfectly functional
    - Status screen that visually updates how many times an enemy donated their juice/eggs to you via a detailed x-ray.
    - There are insects scenes, a big pro or con depending of your preference

    In the state of v0.19 beta the game has a good quality to it and I enjoyed the 20 min demo. Highly recommend it to try for your self or at the very least check what the dev has planned for the future.

    My only complaint for now is that you should be able to choose if you want to pick up a medi pack or not.