2025 is here for everyone to enjoy the bunch of gains the devs have gotten good at about their games.
This is the short and sweet summary of how tantalizing sound is to the experience while delivering the butterflies of joy to every belly:
The best way to enjoy this gem of a game:
There are other interests to think of when asessing the rights or wrongs of souns in our wonderful games:
First order of engagemenrt is this:- Devs wanna explore, experiment and offer as much of a full experience as they feel themselves capable to deliver, so adding sound comes as a prop to have in their dev tools and it is also, sometimes, the push to make the whole game making experience worth while on theoir end:
Second order of engagement is something else:- There are devs with actual, planned in advanced, fully describes steps, geared to enhance their games with the addition of sounds; it is a step they wish to take on their evolutionary journey when developing their games; as such stripping them of this planned feature, this exciting feat for them to explore and to implement into their game, it sometimes brings them down to outright abandon their whole game making adventure.
Do be a human being and understand that people who deliver this and many other games, they all have their own fetish radar and their own entertainment goals when developing games. Such a fetish that lifts their spirit up way high may come through the enjoyment of them implementing a sound interface. We can always mute everything, and as such, we should shelter the devs and afford them their fetish of adding sounds to their games as a minimum lee way, in order for them to enjoy themselves while continuing to develop their games based on their skill set and according to their road map, where sound is a distinct and a dear feature as close to their hearts as possible.