Whenever I click on the box in the Fox Club VIP section(see attached screenshot), the game crashes
Game ver 0.89.8b, used the Save Cheat
PC spect:
Windows 10
CPU Intel Core i5-4430
GPU Radeon HD 7700
Everything looks good from your screenshot, having only used the save code and the cheat code, and your specs. I assume you have only "The box is back... " in your task list. Have you saved at that spot in a new slot, exited, restarted, loaded that save and see if it worked from that point on? If not, give it a try and if that works, let us know here in chat. If it doesn't work, you should share your concern with the developer in their
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#bug-report channel. Let us know what they say so that we know what to tell others. Thanks for providing the info needed to at least determine it isn't player error
So I'm not sure if this is the right game but I feel like when I played this a long time ago I had a problem where I didn't do something on time or something didn't happen on the correct day and I got locked out of doing some Women's stories, I remeber not being able to continue the janitor's story specificily because when I went to the place it said she was she was never there after that or her story just wouldn't proc even if she was, is this still an issue? or am I thinking of a different game?
An example would be a mission saying "find (insert random girl here) at school tuesday afternoon" but because you didn't do it THAT tuesday the story locked up or bugged out or something and no matter if you tried the next day, or you waited for the next tuesday to role around you still couldn't continue the story for that character.
That could have happened. Sure. It's a game in development. There are bugs that pop up here and there (camera bug is one that comes to mind) whether because of coding or unexpected player choices/non-choices. There are now over 160 save slots available for players. I recommend saving into a new slot at the end of each day or the beginning of each day for the MC -- or at least use all 8 open save slots available on the first save page in rotation so that you always have 7 progressively older saves than the one you're playing on at the moment. I also recommend not focusing only on one NPC tasks. Take them as they come up after you whittle down the huge wall of tasks after the MC gets hit by the car. The story tasks for each NPC intertwines with the other NPCs - you can't complete one path without working on them all. You might even have one task sitting in your list that you can't complete until after working through another storyline.