3.30 star(s) 15 Votes


Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
at this point sir, stop supporting these type of a-hole devs.

its better you blacklist them in your hentai list and most of us here are well aware about his obnoxious behavior.
I've added them into my "damnatio memoriae" list, where I simply remove their names when I download their work. In practice, this makes the art I downloaded from that list as "nobody". This is not an anon categorization, since they are identified, it's just I refuse to recognize them as existing.

It would be saying that Maximus Decimus Meridius is identifiable, but isn't recognized as existing in history. In the case of blitzdrachin, I had a perspective of damnatio memoriae before her return and another one after her return.

Before her return (so around the time I made my post on this thread concerning her), I recognize all her pre-2020 as blitzdrachin and considered any creation of the person behind it afterwards as not blitzdrachin. From this perspective, blitzdrachin died in 2020.

After her return and motives revealed, however, I refuse to recognize blitzdrachin in its entirety. The works in this case is legally owned by an artist named "sifyro", thus copyright over these work, but I don't recognize as its author. Kinda how Viacom has legal copyright over Spongebob, but Stephen Hillenburg is the author/creator.
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Jan 7, 2019
Remember when I called Blitzdrachin a douche for her decision to nuke all her NSFW art to the point they're locked behind paywall?

. And it's not for the passion or even interest of doing so. As she admitted, this all for the cash and nothing more.

Stopped NSFW because of the then controversies and takedown surrounding it? Fine, but both Insomniacovrlrd and diives handled it without removing the past and Whisperingfornothing manage to recover from her takedown.

Stopped NSFW because of trauma? Fine, but certainly more dubious in the details and specifics. And I certainly can vouch a position where you can do such a thing without dragging your trauma in the process.

But to go full SFW for two years, then come back for the same reason that carpetwurm came back? Full assholery.

I'm pretty sure DO!Game (before, known as ) left FA because people keep harassing him into making some bunny shit that he didn't want to do. Left for over 11 years before creating Bunny Hunter and never in this whole period has he either denounced nor deleted his FA account or try to bury the past. Nor after his return, nor when people have asked about his past. Nor did he paywall it either, preserving it as it was with the ancient comment section and description intact.

Nor does it appear that he's returning to the NSFW scene for just the money, unlike both blitzdrachin and carpetwurm. For what I see, DO!Game genuinely is interested in the creation of his NSFW products and the caring of his product by allowing a discord link to everyone on his .

Carpetwurm seemed to literally have mood whiplashes to where he directs his art and blitzdrachin can be described as an
opportunist who see NSFW as a lesser artform for the sake of monetary obligation.

Edit: Added the link of the first sentence
Sir, this is a Wendy's.

(People do things for a variety of reasons and not everybody is fortunate enough to approach things in the right way or have the right social network to support them, like carpetwurm's problems with religious dogma and his tendencies for NSFW furry art, including feral/bestiality. Please get a better hobby than trying to turn this into an artist rant thread.)
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Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Sir, this is an underground site that is very much not legal, not a multibillion dollar company that produces substandard food compared to In-N-Out Burger.

People do things for a variety of reasons and not everybody is fortunate enough to approach things in the right way or have the right social network to support them.
Let's use Mini Ladd for example. He has a variety of reasons for the things he has done and he certainly didn't approach things in the right way (e.g. his apology) or have the right social network (well, after the Terroriser controversy) to support him. Does this mean I have to feel pity or even sympathetic when he ? Simply because he's a flawed man and he's reached rock bottom from the aftermath?

Both and has shown that carpetwurm has absolutely done as much PR damage that a gay furry artist could reasonably do. And some of these "variety of reasons" are disagreeable, definitely disagreeable for assertive pirates. And the accumulative amount of bridges he sets on fire prevents him from getting the "right social network" to support him.

like carpetwurm's problems with religious dogma and his tendencies for NSFW furry art
First, we have very little info to actually go with the religious point, let alone confirmed info. I repeatedly asked for his denomination and absolutely nothing came out of it.

From the journals that I've recalled (since Carpetwurm LOVES to delete his past) his main reason he became a christian is because his gay relationship broke down and he just went full nuclear on his NSFW content. I also have that even as a 'christian', he's traded the sin lust for two other sins (Pride, as in he's a good christain and not a cumf*g & Wrath, as I can confirm he spouted cumf*g more than rarely on the replies around that time).
People keep saying he went full Trad Christian, not because he is actually preaching the gospel or the Nicene Creed, no it's because he's homophobic and right-wing. Now, being as 'christian' and as political as carpetwurm is not grounds of being a Trad Christian, and he's done very little to demonstrate that he's christian though his lack of 7 heavenly virtues. Yes, I have checked through his twitter history at that time, and no, .


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
Sir, this is an underground site that is very much not legal, not a multibillion dollar company that produces substandard food compared to In-N-Out Burger.

Let's use Mini Ladd for example. He has a variety of reasons for the things he has done and he certainly didn't approach things in the right way (e.g. his apology) or have the right social network (well, after the Terroriser controversy) to support him. Does this mean I have to feel pity or even sympathetic when he ? Simply because he's a flawed man and he's reached rock bottom from the aftermath?

Both and has shown that carpetwurm has absolutely done as much PR damage that a gay furry artist could reasonably do. And some of these "variety of reasons" are disagreeable, definitely disagreeable for assertive pirates. And the accumulative amount of bridges he sets on fire prevents him from getting the "right social network" to support him.

First, we have very little info to actually go with the religious point, let alone confirmed info. I repeatedly asked for his denomination and absolutely nothing came out of it.

From the journals that I've recalled (since Carpetwurm LOVES to delete his past) his main reason he became a christian is because his gay relationship broke down and he just went full nuclear on his NSFW content. I also have that even as a 'christian', he's traded the sin lust for two other sins (Pride, as in he's a good christain and not a cumf*g & Wrath, as I can confirm he spouted cumf*g more than rarely on the replies around that time).
People keep saying he went full Trad Christian, not because he is actually preaching the gospel or the Nicene Creed, no it's because he's homophobic and right-wing. Now, being as 'christian' and as political as carpetwurm is not grounds of being a Trad Christian, and he's done very little to demonstrate that he's christian though his lack of 7 heavenly virtues. Yes, I have checked through his twitter history at that time, and no, .
this is some nice research and it looks like the furry fandom doesnt like him at all based on you posted 2 youtube furry fandom users.

carpetwurm is literally an asshole dev but his emotions breaks down so easily which he could not control on his own.
3.30 star(s) 15 Votes