What? No, you just type something like this:
mc "Dialogue"
if variable_1 == True and variable_2 == False:
mc "Dialogue A"
if variable_2 == True and variable_4 == False:
mc "Dialogue B"
if variable_1 == True and variable_2 == True:
mc "Dialogue C"
jump scene_f_8_hub
if variable_3 == True and variable_2 == False:
mc "Dialogue D"
if variable_2 == True and variable_3 == False:
mc "Dialogue E"
jump scene_basement
if variable_4 == True and variable_985 == True:
mc "Dialogue F"
jump scene_f_d_2_hub
if variable_1a == False:
mc "Dialogue D2"
jump scene_armageddon
mc "Dialogue"
at almost every time someone says, or does, something.
It's easy. I mean I got bored halfway through and had to copy/paste just to double this example code, and I didn't have to write a story and keep it consistent on top of that. But you can do it.
>at almost every time someone says, or does, something.
>fucking hundreds of dialogues per update
sounds easy if you put it that way, lol
And I dont know how dense people can be, its *more work*, not always *hard* work the code, but also ignores the fact that, the more variables like these are in the game, the more there might be bugs here and there, which means i need to do significantly more testing too, or bug fixing later, which also means I need to update the builds and upload them (which at the very least takes an hour, because i need to compress everything again, then build PC, mac, android version, upload, and write changelog... after fixing it of course)
But again if the only impact of your choices is a single dialogue line, what is the fucking point of adding it to begin with? Either your choices have consequences and changes, or they are redundant. So I'm gonna make the game more buggy, put a lot of more extra work, tone down the main story because at the end, micro manage every single scene and dialogue is not possible (would be ridiculous to even suggest me to do this), and at the end the payoff is just a single different dialogue line, instead of a wholy unique and consistent scene
Just save the game when you get to an important choice and play the different routes, its literally easier and will make it less likely you miss something that way.
edit: I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, but won't be the first time someone says something like this and is not being sarcastic