I just got the latest version (thanks Bhudaa!), since I skipped the previous, I was waiting for some extra art.
Urka's new art is pretty damn good, Alis is actually getting better.
Then I went for the "Lewd order" encounter, since I like the Cultists stuff.
Somebody said "just some text and game over"... man, the artwork alone made me slap my face with the hard on I got.
Text is rushed, yeah (maj is the one that seem to be slacking a bit)... but jeez, that picture!
Btw, for those wondering what Aliss is doing... shut it.
She's pumping out pictures weekly. Most likely she's doing several pics at once, instead of going 1 by 1, so one week she might not finish, but then the other she's doing 2 or 3.
Jorja is just recoloring stuff, and layering tatoos.
Nothing complicated, and YET it's probably a hell to keep up weekly.
Now figure how much work does it takes to make a picture from scratch.
If it were that easy, they would have got some help (they were asking for background artists some time ago). I didn't offered myself, because I don't have enough time... and doing weekly work is dreadful.