VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tamas Awakening [v1.0b] [Whiteleaf Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first: this is not a game, it's a kinetic novel. I think there is one choice (as of 0.5), and the decision doesn't matter at all. There is nothing inherently bad about kinetic novels though, I just want to point it out for anyone expecting gameplay.

    The artstyle is nice and I like all the character designs so far. The downside to this is the slow development. In the 9 months or so since initial release the game got to around 30 minutes gameplay (if you read everything), with just one girl getting actually fucked.

    The dialogues are OK, but the story is a bit weird, with mildly rapey mind-control being the main theme and comedy sprinkled on top. The jokes don't fire most of the time. Overall it is pretty light-hearted, with the girls being closeted perverts and the MC bringing them out of their shell.

    I really enjoyed reading/"playing" it for the short duration it lasted. Personally I don't think it's fair or practical to factor slow development into the rating, unless it's extreme and feels exploitative. So five stars it is. I hope we see more frequent and more substantial updates though.

    The player is supposed to rename the relationships/characters when they appear, to make everything incestuous. The (only, apart from names) correct choices here are relationship: mother, name: Mom; relationship: sister, name: [leave blank], relationship: cousins, name: [leave blank][leave blank]. At least I think so.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great and fun Game
    The best Part for me was the Femdom Scene where the MC gave the black haired girl the control over the blonde. Do what ever she says :devilish:.
    The Pics of this scene where super hot.

    Need more of this please :p:love:

    Hope there will be more Femdom fm and ff in future updates.:)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.04...

    This erotic visual novel has a mix of story concepts that tend to be a bit over used in this market, along with some unique twists... You can tell it is meant to have Incest content, even though the developers allow you to customize the relationship titles for some characters...

    The visuals of the characters are a 2D hand drawn format that look unique and are well done... The backdrops are a mix of ones I've seen before and some unique ones... Sometimes the story text is too lengthy causing the text to scroll over the bottom menu and almost go off the bottom of the screen, even in full screen mode... Some of the Name's in the story box are hard to see due to bad color choice... The font being used, while looking a bit more comic style, can make it somewhat hard to read sometimes...

    The script is decent, even though it sometimes has some spelling/grammar errors... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist living with 2 women (one obviously meant to be the sister and one meant to be the mother) who treat him like a relative rather then someone renting a space in their home... He gains the ability to corrupt other characters through the guise of hypnosis (an over used story element)...

    The sister/roommate character treats the protagonist like crap, which is another highly over used mechanic... And the mother/house owner is an older single woman who treats the protagonist like a relative... The protagonist has lots of inner-dialogue with an entity who is the source of his abilities... He uses his abilities to slowly corrupt the two women in order to do perverted things with them... But then 2 more women suddenly come into the picture... One is an overbearing dominatrix type personality, while the other is a naive submissive personality, and they are supposed to be twins, but not identical...

    Now, initially once the protagonist gains his power, he becomes more of a dominant personality, but once the dominating woman comes into the picture he seems to reverse engines becoming more passive and/or wussy... It was like he was going through a reversion from content prior to the twins... In any case, the dominating twin seemed even more perverted than him, and was highly manipulative...

    In any case, the story is pretty much linear in scope, using many inter character dynamics I've seen used over and over in this industry... The characters all seem to be shoved into these stereotyped roles, with little to no realistic personalities... There were moments where some comedy type elements are thrown in, but it's not really what this VN is about...

    Overall, the story itself begins as many of this style begins, which didn't feel all that original at all... While the story telling itself is decent, there really is no deep plot or meaningful content that isn't just about the erotic content... The introduction of the dominating female character seemed to side line the protagonist as she took on the dominant role at that point... Here he was with an ability he seemed to like using, being the more dominant personality as time went on, but suddenly he was afraid to use it when the twins just show up, and becomes this secondary characters puppet, basically... Creates a roller-coaster effect in the development of the protagonist...

    This VN is basically a porn fest wrapped within a decently wrapped box, yet missing the bow... The characters don't feel very genuine and are basically just existing to add varying fetishes... The protagonist's character growth at first was doing alright, even for a porn focused VN, but then took a big hit with the introduction of the dominating twin who he just capitulates to... Doesn't even attempt to take back the reins, at least not in the current content... I wanted to give this one a 4 star rating for it's attempt at decent writing and original character visuals, even with all the overused tropes... But the lack of character stability with the male protagonist just pushes it back down into the average range...

    All that being said, this VN is still in it's early days of development, so it has plenty of time to work through the growing pains, and maybe improve itself... Only time will tell... Will I be revisiting this one? Maybe, but not until later down the line, once it's had more time to develop... Have to wait and see...
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I must preface this by saying that this game is still in the early stages of development (0.04 at the time of writing), so a lot of changes could (and should) be made in the future change my opinion altogether.

    I like the art style, but that’s about it.
    In order to get through the game, you just click through pages of uninteresting dialogue until you encounter a scene; no choices, no interesting pieces of dialogue, nothing! Hell, the characters don’t even move when talking to them, they just remain in an idle pose.

    The story itself is okay, it’s nothing original and there’s no player choice whatsoever, but it gets the job done. That being said, the main character is kind of a boring jackass who has the ability to hypnotise all of these girls, yet refrains from doing so, probably to extend playtime. Additionally, the weird alien character is absolutely pointless, serving no relevance to the plot besides being kind of like a character talking you into doing the dirty scenes, but could easily not exist at all without any problems in the plot.

    Overall, I think this game has got the potential to be better, (less sprawling dialogue and more player choice) but currently has little gameplay, bar a few scenes (none of which currently even go as far as penetration) that keeps the player interested.

    Oh and also there aren’t any nude scenes with the girl (willow) on the far left. :(

  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I absolutely like the drawing style, it has a kind of uniqueness. I love the young protagonist, sporty body nice tan lines. After a short clicking through the pictures I downloaded the game just for deleting it about 10 minutes later.

    The introduction was OK, no need to name everyone, the following gameplay was static and boring. nearly no changes in the pictures, even in front of different backgrounds the landlord and the roommate were represented by nearly only one picture. It seems that you need about fifty clicks before something in the picture changes. I read about eighty lines of text without any immersion or developing of the story. Your simply not getting into any of the characters.
    I guess this was the first game where I don´t even start to skip to see some of the scenes - it was simply too boring.
    Result: one of my quickest deletes ever.

    Perhaps the author could rewrite the text, make it a bit faster and more believable and please let the girls move or change poses from time to time, make it look as if I´m not talking to a picture.

    My two stars are only for the tama drawing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Early stages but great art and good dev engagement so far. First update has been slow but dev seems to be planning monthly updates. Promising early signs so far so this one has good potential.

    +1 for tanline titties, not enough of them around!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The drawings are pretty good, but the story and writing are really pedestrian, I´m afraid. The story is too simple and absurd: a guy that for some reason has the "superpower" of hypnotizing his landlady/mother and roomate/sister, and make them undress and get horny about his humongous cock... How many games with a similar premise can be found in this forum? Maybe a thousand? Even more?

    Sorry, but knowing how to draw and how to program Renpy doesn´t mean knowing how to make a game. It´s needed to know how to write a decent plot, characters, dialogues and erotic situations.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad start, writing is OK, few typos but easy to overlook. Really like the artwork, could see myself supporting this game if quality of writing improves and updates are consistant. Either way it's not too big or long at the moment so it wasnt a risk to try it.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 894997

    Wow! That was really bad!
    No build up what so ever.
    Just: Let me hypnotize you for the lols *say 3 words* omg it works.
    5min of game time later "be my slut".
    There are no choices or anything either, its just a really badly written kinetic novel atm.
    Honestly the only good thing i can say about it was that it was short.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 718458

    I really liked the graphics of the game. Girls are hot, especially landlady is astonishing. Mechanics aren't hard, it's easy to play it. There are only a few games with such strong mind control, so this one is definitely standing out crowd.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.01 Bugs first, I could not open preferences without getting an error, but thats not important. I just used Un'Ren to scrol back and Alt+Enter for full screen
    This has lots of potential and a nice concept. The characters are writen in a not super stereotypical manner for a first release, like the mother having a smoking addiction, its a small thing but a god thing. The characters look good as well, big titty milfy and perky teen so thats good variety. The sound effects add to the atmosphere, but consider getting some free background music. And pleeeaaaase DO NOT add grinding to the game.
    I think the UI is bland but functional, dont make it more complex. The English is mostly okay but there are typos. Pls kill the rooster after day 2 that would be great. Some explanation on the serum the MC drinks on day 1 would be appreciated. Also maybe come up with a better explanation than being MK ULTRA'd although it did make me laugh (the sound was great).
    For the future I hope to see something in the domination, rough stuff, bdsm and slave genre. I will certainly play and look forward to future releases.