So many options man. Why do you people think sex ends the story? I got to know?
Zalzany, I have to premit that I substantially agree, even if with some differences, with all your arguments in your well detailed post I'm referring to.
This said, I guess that sex can be seen as the end of a story only if you believe that effectively is the only reason to make a relationship, leaving no room to any other matter like feelings as first.
This doesn't seem to be the case. Thus the 'anomaly' distinctive of this game.
To me, in TangledUp - here is why it attracted me - MC and FC started to explore carefully all the possibilities to create a true story between themselves. Carefully, I underline it, and slowly too, because they have both their own private reasons to save their own characters and their characteristics, have a long story behind them of failures (they could be fairly defined as 'losers', in short) to emend. Their story could also seen as a 'revenge' against all those bads and rstrictions the adult world inflicted them until now.
And the future progression of this story (calling it a 'game' may be a little too reductive at this point, in my opinion) should respect and take most care of this starting point, the real main key of understanding what's moving behind.
Sex in this relationship is the natural consequence of the deep feelings MC and FC are creating. Without it no relationship is healthy. At the same time, only sex relationship is only sexual fitness exercise, and this is no news.
But this game is different from all the many others I've seen here. It gives so much opportunities to develop to any directions, as in real life, and this makes it so interesting but very difficult in making coherent choices.
In my opinion, our contribution, if we would to of course, might be to suggest which paths should be followed, not harassing its dev. with a continuous requesting of 'more sex' or updates at machine gun speed.
Too much lecturing this, by me? Maybe.
With best regards.