[R>Artist 3D] Share Team French Kiss needs a 3D Artist to work on a new game (An Apartment in Paris)


Aug 19, 2019
J'ai mis à jour le premier message de ce fil de discussion pour y intégrer une bannière présentant le jeu. Je me dis que ça peut donner une idée de ce qu'on prépare (et donner envie à de nouvelles personnes de nous rejoindre pour développer ce jeu !)
Allez, je vous la remets ici pour le plaisir des yeux ! On y voit les rencontres que Louis (notre héros) pourra faire lors de son premier jour à Paris... ça promet, non ?

I updated the first message of this thread to include a banner presenting the game. I think it can give an idea of what we are preparing (and make new people want to join us developing this game!)
Come on, I'll put it back here for your viewing pleasure! We can see the people that Louis (our hero) will be able to do on his first day in Paris... It's promising, isn't it?

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Aug 19, 2019
French Kiss is still looking for motivated 3D artists to bring to life the universe of its future game, An Appartment in Paris. We will share the profits. We are aiming for a realistic style for a 'slow burn' game that will incorporate a small dimension of fantasy investigation. Essentially, it will be a male protagonist placed in countless sexy situations...

French Kiss est toujours à la recherche d'artistes 3D motivés pour donner vie à l'univers de son futur jeu, An Appartment in Paris. Nous partagerons les bénéfices. Nous visons un style réaliste pour un jeu 'slow burn' qui intégrera une petite dimension d'enquête fantastique. Pour l'essentiel, ce sera un protagoniste masculin placé dans d'innombrables situations sexy...


Aug 19, 2019
looks like a promising game :coffee:
Thanks a lot ! The team is working hard in the back office to prepare the game. Feel free to follow us on our .
Merci beaucoup ! L'équipe travaille dur en arrière-boutique pour préparer le jeu. N'hésitez pas à nous suivre sur notre .


Aug 19, 2019
I updated the topic, to update the project a bit. In particular to point out the volume of writing (more than 220,000 characters, or about 125 pages).


Aug 19, 2019
I'm writing almost every day. I'm over 320,000 characters (180 pages) now.
We are still looking for a 3D artist capable of maintaining a suitable pace over time to prepare the visual side of the game (our current artists are talented, but not sufficiently available at the moment).
J'écris quasiment tous les jours. J'en suis à plus de 320 000 signes (180 pages) maintenant.
Nous sommes encore à la recherche d'un artiste 3D capable de tenir une cadence convenable sur la durée pour préparer le côté visuel du jeu (nos artistes actuels sont talentueux, mais pas suffisamment disponibles pour le moment).


Aug 7, 2016
I'm afraid you're going to have an extremely difficult time finding anyone who would be up for this, considering that the work is not paid (to a creator, rev share basically means no pay, or 0 guarantee that there will be a decent pay).

the fact that you have over 180 pages of script needing to be done for (basically) free, makes it even worse and is not going to attract any artists, highly skilled or otherwise.
hell, even when paid 180 pages of script seems scary!

the project seems fun and interesting, but my friendly advice is to start saving up and put up a paid offer once you've gathered a decent amount.


Aug 19, 2019
I'm afraid you're going to have an extremely difficult time finding anyone who would be up for this, considering that the work is not paid (to a creator, rev share basically means no pay, or 0 guarantee that there will be a decent pay).

the fact that you have over 180 pages of script needing to be done for (basically) free, makes it even worse and is not going to attract any artists, highly skilled or otherwise.
hell, even when paid 180 pages of script seems scary!

the project seems fun and interesting, but my friendly advice is to start saving up and put up a paid offer once you've gathered a decent amount.
Thank you for your interest in the project!

I share these fears, but my personal economic leeway unfortunately does not allow me to follow this advice. It's actually very limiting, very frustrating, but I currently have no choice in that regard.

When v0.1 is officially launched, we can expect financial support from players. I am at that time ready, personally, to use 100% of my share to invest in the development of the game, in particular to pay the collaborators and the necessary equipment.

In the meantime, this situation does indeed lead me to make compromises: I expect a slow start (we have already been working on it for six months), I rely on chance encounters (many extra people already!) and I keep the door open to proposals of all kinds.

The team already has talented artists, so for the moment we are in a good dynamic and the project is progressing. Slowly, but surely, it's very exciting.

Recruitment is active above all to allow the team to move forward more quickly, especially at the moment, when we haven't shown anything of the game to the public yet.


Merci de ton intérêt pour le projet.!
Je partage ces craintes, mais ma marge de manœuvre économique personnelle ne me permet malheureusement pas de suivre ce conseil. C'est effectivement très limitant, très frustrant, mais je n'ai actuellement pas le choix sur ce plan-là.
Quand la v0.1 sera officiellement lancée, on pourra espérer du soutien financier de la part de joueurs. Je suis à ce moment-là prêt, personnellement, à utiliser 100 % de ma part pour investir dans le développement du jeu, en particulier pour payer les collaborateurs et le matériel nécessaire.
En attendant, cette situation m'amène en effet à faire des compromis : je m'attends à un démarrage lent (nous travaillons déjà dessus depuis six mois), je me repose sur le hasard des rencontres (déjà beaucoup de gens extras !) et je garde la porte ouverte aux propositions en tous genres.
La team dispose déjà d'artistes talentueux, on est donc pour l'instant dans une bonne dynamique et le projet avance. Lentement, mais sûrement, c'est très enthousiasmant.
Le recrutement est actif surtout pour permettre à la team d'avancer plus vite, en particulier en ce moment, alors que nous n'avons encore rien montré du jeu au public.
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Aug 19, 2019
I'm happy to show you some dev renders of the game.
It's not final, but work in progress.
We're still looking for another 3D artist to reinforce the team.
32.jpg 3655.png 365545.png dnv_A01.jpg dnv_A02.jpg emma_no_dof_test.png s65744.png Train_sc1.jpg


Feb 15, 2020
If you can't offer financial remuneration, offer something else. I'm sure there's a bevy of people interested in learning the craft from professionals, willing to assist in exchange for that. I am personally, at least.
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Aug 19, 2019
If you can't offer financial remuneration, offer something else. I'm sure there's a bevy of people interested in learning the craft from professionals, willing to assist in exchange for that. I am personally, at least.
Learning the ropes with the rest of the team, it's obviously the case. We discuss on our Discord and share tips and resources.
It's already incredible how many things I've learned working on this project...


Aug 19, 2019
If you can't offer financial remuneration, offer something else. I'm sure there's a bevy of people interested in learning the craft from professionals, willing to assist in exchange for that. I am personally, at least.
I can, for my part, give advanced advice for tools like Adobe InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator. I am not an artist, but I know how to work with images and create models.
Je peux, pour ma part, donner des conseils avancés pour des outils comme Adobe InDesign, Photoshop ou Illustrator. Je ne suis pas artiste, mais je sais travailler les images et créer des maquettes.