To the developer of this gorgious game, who seems to be quite active here:
The Pain:
I have started this game like 5 times and have ONCE made it to the second ring of territories around the main base.
Everytime i marvel at the animations, but the moment i turn to the actual gameplay progression i might as well play some "Free2Play" appstore game. It feels like i am supposed to buy the "premium silver pack" to triple my daily energy ressources or have an option to skip scenes and "flee encounters" during an exploration.
I straight up can point at a mechanic and see how it is supposed to make you spend money to avoid it... but there is not shop in the game... which is nice... but we also hate shops because they turn F2P games into grindfests, to sell their stuff... but the grinddesign is baked into the game...
Things it needs to reach a Quality of Life that make it into a pretty rounded experience:
(Could be a gamemode alà "Fast Game", but it is needed to give the game more growth potential.)
> "Sleep till next day" pop up button when your energy is at 0 (screen corner or when you attempt an action that need more)
- Or straight up put it over the energy counter when its up. All you need to know + function.
> "Evade" function for exploration. Dependent on:
- Creature type was encountered before
- Creature type was fully tamed
- Allied tentacles lvl or biom ("maybe" on that one, as the destinction is a bit flimsy)
- Territory is captured or not.
> Passive base improvements for Energy increase.
> A clearer progression and "MAXed out" state for creatures.
(their abilities are wonderfully staight forward, low v. high level relation not really.)
> "Skip Encounter" checkbox for full tamed types (pop up with the sprite and a little heart will be enough)*
<Bonus> A sex scene with one of the tentacles after a territory is claimed (or custom content) might be nice. It is right now very removed from the sexy content.
Aside from that... well i still have started a play through. Again. Speaks for itself, even if i dread the grind and will probably stop playing after 3 sessions or so again. The game has a absolutly beautiful style, top animation, a wonderfully creative... "cast", and some production value and ambition. I REALLY want to play this game from start to finish, but with studies, hobbies, family and friends... i have to respect and manage my time, and that is right now not fitting the way this game handles it.