Completely agree with this. I love the H-content, but damn is this game in need of a proper in-game guide. A few issues I have with the game:This game is in desperate need of a guide. I can't even figure out how to fight for a new territory. The closest I can find is one post further back in the thread that suggests collecting butanga skin, but I can't actually collect any even when the game says I found one for... Some completely unlabelled reason. Is it a bug? Intentional? I have no clue, because the only sign it's happening is that the number of generic tentacle skins I have remains at 3.
The wiki is completely useless and contains more word-for-word transcriptions of the scenes than actual info about the mechanics of the game. I don't know what food does, or why you would ever hunt in any way really. The stuff in my inventory is completely useless and just a number in a slot.
I love the voice acting and the animation, but the game part is in desperate, desperate need of explaination.
-The enemies during the combat stuff needs to be toned down ALOT, because holy hell does the enemy AI completely streamroll you. This results in ALOT of frustrating retries during the combat stuff.
-As mentioned the game is in desperate need of a proper in-game guide to how everything works.
-A different save system. I like to keep my PC in tip top condition at all times, and this means regularly clearing out unneeded stuff by using tools such as Windows Disc Cleanup and other such apps, including constantly clearing out all the cookies and trackers and stuff for my web browser, and for some reason this seems to clear out my save for this game. It's really annoying when that happens.
-The ability to skip all the text stuff when ever Lilith has a H-encounter. Dude, my poor left mouse button gets destroyed whenever I play this game. I've actually had to replace my mouse once already because of this. If the creator of the game is reading this please add the option to skip all text related stuff that require a mouse click. (Also maybe tone down the text stuff a little. Do we really need to read through so much text just to get to the H-stuff?)
-Some of the scenes need to be reworked a little. For example the scene with the Cirrus. Where exactly is the tentacle that goes to Lilith's vagina during the scene? It looks like she's just thrusting back and forth without anything actually going to her vagina.