First of all acts I begin to form army
So we invade, expand and so more chances to find rare monsters
1 dubois can hunt 3 up to 5 meetFOOD
1 slim eye 1-2 but rarely 2
So What's the Question How take the Food?
I have 3 dubois and so they hunt one by one
But for population amount 9 and over we often have no enough food . .
Invaded Lands have food clusters in its map But their Food doesn't collect to journal food and so it haven't enough
Also as minerals herbs and skins(
Battle is good-maked ,but for success our army must have additional units to change army's forming
Without food it's really hard and our monsters aren't dead after battle at once
Bond , Bonding
MAIN army monsters are so easily foundable in wild nature and it's good!
But Need to Hunt and Explore killing the bonding system ( No Enough Time
Genetic experiments are failed
She impregnants of FIRST monster for three different species
And of LAST/third for two different during three sparrings
a+b+c=d or e as redlion & skitz such system doesn't work
i have no it in 2.11 after quest dubois and i have no it in 3.01 without quest
+AND WITHOUT sparring level up for monsters is really hard because i take some wins & lands and have no level up