
Game Developer
Jun 20, 2018
Your renders are well done but I was wondering if you could add more liquids for cum facials and leaks in during sex scenes? My opinion is that there could be more 'cum volume' to go along with large organs for facials, breasts and pretty much ejaculation in every hole. Kinda off-putting with that juxtaposition of so much and so little especially when everyone is designed to be bigger since that's the fetish here.
I don't have a good way to render nice looking 3D cum, so I am painting it on by hand. It takes a lot of time and I'm not professional in that regard. Adding too much in post tends to obscure the base image. That being said, the vast majority of scenes so far will usualy end in an internal cumshot, usually with cum-flation. When I get around to any facial/bukkake scenes in the future, I'll be sure to paint it on thick.

Another great way to minimise workload could be to just make scenes specific with current states such as preg tiff having a fixed set of scenes instead of a variation of base scenes. Preg Tiff only scenes and Non-preg Tiff only scenes where both cannot be chosen regardless of Tiff's current state. Infected and living characters could also be limited to certain sex actions to cut down on the need to go back and remake renders again for a whole new body shape.
Tiffany's body changes regardless of if she was impregnated. Much simpler to add a pregnant belly version to an existing scene, than to make an entirely seperate scene. May as well do both, if I'm redoing scenes anyway.

Moreover, the number of variations with body types may escalate into more work required for renders. For now, I think it would be easier to just have new Tiffany preg and non-preg without adding different sizes. It's pretty much multiplied alongside the many choices driving the plot where you have to render for a lot of them.
I can't give any opinions about the plot and its contents, but it would be more easier to produce scenes without ever having to remake it twice again everytime tiff or somebody else goes through a change.
Much easier, sure. But this is kind of the point though. I wanted to play a game that didn't skimp on this. Obviously it's more work. But it's an important feature for me and I'm guessing many others.
Not sure if the changes for the other girls will be as detailed... But knowing me, they probably will be. It will take a lot of time, but I'm just making the game I wanted to play.
Obviously it's not anywhere close to being there yet. Proud of what I've made, but still a long way to go before I'll be satisfied with it.

The previous scenes existing will then have to be remade so that's extra work made unintentionally.
I've planned it so that the only scenes that need to be redone are the repeatable ones, like the combat sex scenes.
There's only so many of them to do before I'm caught up. And this time around, I'm being careful to save every single pose used so I can easily open up the files and make re-renders when I need to implement the second stage body changes in day 4.

I'm actually worried abt how you're coping with such a future large project with branching plot lines.
Clearly very slowly.

Yes, it's frustrating. For me more than anyone. I want to release lots of big content updates, but it takes time to do it in this way. Even if I'm working full time on it.
I get that that's the point you're trying to make here, but it's the task I signed up for. I'm thinking about the game as a whole, and what I want it to be when you sit down to play version 1.0 from start to finish. That's what I'm working towards. It will take years. But I will keep going at it for as long as people keep supporting the project.

Only thing I can do to make the development time easier on both me and the players is to work back towards smaller, monthly releases. That's my current focus now. I'm not burnt out at all on developing this game and am literally just getting started on my plans. The only thing that stresses me out is not being able to deliver consistent, on-time releases. And that's usually my fault for stuffing too much into one version, writing too much, or (and this is the number one thing) providing people with release windows / ETAs before I'm done. Won't be doing that anymore after v0.08. Not until I can get back to reliable monthly releases on a consistent basis.

This game has so much potential and can be overwhelming on where it should head into storywise.
Thanks. I have so much more planned and can't wait to share it with people.

Now just as a side note, I do have questions. Will future content ever have dominant female characters if any and in whatever form?
Absolutely. Obviously, it's not the primary fetish. But I have a number of scenes planed where the female character is in control. Just have to get there first.

I feel like the casino has way more zombies then it should, especially in 0.08 where I can't even repair my armour and have low resources. Evading the zombies in a big hallway ain't a problem, but the small corridors with only one tile to move in, it's annoying to skip every time.
From Changelog:
"[NOTE: A new "Stealth" feature will be added in the FULL RELEASE, so the new gameplay sections may be more challenging in this ALPHA.]"

i.e. The gameplay here is balanced with the stealth mode feature in mind that will be in for the full release.

Plus the fact that the zombies somehow follow Tifanny is even more annoying coz most of the time if I go into a room, a few zombies it's like they wait for me to come out and stand in front of the door.
I mean... That's what zombies are supposed to do though, right? Tracking and hunting the living down. If you run into a room while being chased by them, they'll follow you there and wait outside for a chance to get in.

That being said, the stealth mode I'm panning will allow Tiffany to move without the zombies being aware of her presence. & coming towards her. They will only start combat if Tiffany bumps into them while they move around at random. Though there will be a certain mechanic to it similar to the flashlight. But more fun than collecting batteries ;)

You all know me, and what I'll ask, but before I download this, does the woman get to become a zombie or just remain human for some reason even after being assaulted by zombies?
Some of the main girls are immune. Some are not. There's admittedly not that much zombification content at the moment, outside of a couple story scenes, but more will be added as I progress. I'm only just getting started.
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2019
Nice troll ^^
Or you don't know it's just an Alpha like it's write in the changelog.

The Anax Tiff is immune to zombies ^^
troll is your second name. I express an opinion on the update and I have the right to do so. Didn't they teach you about the right to speak on anything at school? or are you living in a country so politically correct that you can't talk about anything?

Darrel Caper

Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Noooo! There needs to be a way to save Kiana and have her join you (as thanks)! Really liked her character. Hopefully JimJim thinks of something.

Edit: Just thought of something, what if she doesn't take the virus as much as men, as she is a futa, and assuming we can save her can be mutated by the virus into different forms without succumbing. Just food for thought as I know the dev has enough on his plate as it is.
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Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
Darrel Caper Me too I'm sad to see Kiana turning into a Zombie... Well the last fuck was damn good !
But I think it's a good choice, actually we didn't see any known character becoming a zombie (except Robert but he was already condemned when we met him), so it's useful from time to time to remember the player that the virus is dangerous for many people (Tiff, Sidney or Lara immunity is not common after all).

But I'm sure the dev will show us new futa (alive) in the next updates ;)
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Jan 18, 2019
I don't have a good way to render nice looking 3D cum, so I am painting it on by hand. It takes a lot of time and I'm not professional in that regard. Adding too much in post tends to obscure the base image. That being said, the vast majority of scenes so far will usualy end in an internal cumshot, usually with cum-flation. When I get around to any facial/bukkake scenes in the future, I'll be sure to paint it on thick.

Tiffany's body changes regardless of if she was impregnated. Much simpler to add a pregnant belly version to an existing scene, than to make an entirely seperate scene. May as well do both, if I'm redoing scenes anyway.


Much easier, sure. But this is kind of the point though. I wanted to play a game that didn't skimp on this. Obviously it's more work. But it's an important feature for me and I'm guessing many others.
Not sure if the changes for the other girls will be as detailed... But knowing me, they probably will be. It will take a lot of time, but I'm just making the game I wanted to play.
Obviously it's not anywhere close to being there yet. Proud of what I've made, but still a long way to go before I'll be satisfied with it.

I've planned it so that the only scenes that need to be redone are the repeatable ones, like the combat sex scenes.
There's only so many of them to do before I'm caught up. And this time around, I'm being careful to save every single pose used so I can easily open up the files and make re-renders when I need to implement the second stage body changes in day 4.

Clearly very slowly.

Yes, it's frustrating. For me more than anyone. I want to release lots of big content updates, but it takes time to do it in this way. Even if I'm working full time on it.
I get that that's the point you're trying to make here, but it's the task I signed up for. I'm thinking about the game as a whole, and what I want it to be when you sit down to play version 1.0 from start to finish. That's what I'm working towards. It will take years. But I will keep going at it for as long as people keep supporting the project.

Only thing I can do to make the development time easier on both me and the players is to work back towards smaller, monthly releases. That's my current focus now. I'm not burnt out at all on developing this game and am literally just getting started on my plans. The only thing that stresses me out is not being able to deliver consistent, on-time releases. And that's usually my fault for stuffing too much into one version, writing too much, or (and this is the number one thing) providing people with release windows / ETAs before I'm done. Won't be doing that anymore after v0.08. Not until I can get back to reliable monthly releases on a consistent basis.

Thanks. I have so much more planned and can't wait to share it with people.

Absolutely. Obviously, it's not the primary fetish. But I have a number of scenes planed where the female character is in control. Just have to get there first.

From Changelog:
"[NOTE: A new "Stealth" feature will be added in the FULL RELEASE, so the new gameplay sections may be more challenging in this ALPHA.]"

i.e. The gameplay here is balanced with the stealth mode feature in mind that will be in for the full release.

I mean... That's what zombies are supposed to do though, right? Tracking and hunting the living down. If you run into a room while being chased by them, they'll follow you there and wait outside for a chance to get in.

That being said, the stealth mode I'm panning will allow Tiffany to move without the zombies being aware of her presence. & coming towards her. They will only start combat if Tiffany bumps into them while they move around at random. Though there will be a certain mechanic to it similar to the flashlight. But more fun than collecting batteries ;)

Some of the main girls are immune. Some are not. There's admittedly not that much zombification content at the moment, outside of a couple story scenes, but more will be added as I progress. I'm only just getting started.
Hey mr Jimx2 enjoying the game so far this is one of the few games i am following per patch instead of checking it out every couple of months or so, you could instead of remaking every scene for the moment you could just make 1 new scene called tiffany + with the different body type since i hope that we will be able to go outside again i liked the openness, also the only complaint about the game is that one scene is a bit hard to get if you dont do the right decisions for example the Asian girl with the dog scene is a bit hard to get.


Game Developer
Jun 20, 2018
Just thought of something, what if she doesn't take the virus as much as men, as she is a futa, and assuming we can save her can be mutated by the virus into different forms without succumbing.
It's not just men who are immune. It's only certain female characters. Tiffany, Debra, Sydney, Lara, Ali. They are the confirmed immune characters right now. We will meet a lot more female characters who are not immune either.

Hey mr Jimx2 enjoying the game so far this is one of the few games i am following per patch instead of checking it out every couple of months or so,
Well... If a new release only comes out every couples of months or so...

since i hope that we will be able to go outside again i liked the openness,
Me too. There is lots planned back in the town, so don't worry. Focused on getting through the Casino story so that we can go into the north side of town and meet more characters.

also the only complaint about the game is that one scene is a bit hard to get if you dont do the right decisions for example the Asian girl with the dog scene is a bit hard to get.
Some scenes will obviously only be triggered under certain circumstances given that a lot of this game's outcomes rely on player choice. When I add the gallery mode, if you unlock the scene in one save file, it will unlock it for all of your saves. It will also tell you about scenes you have missed, and how to unlock them. This should help.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
I wish it wasn't with such a good character design, especially since she is the only futa character who will be introduced for a long time, and her removal erases that content for the next few updates.
Well it's true she had a good model (well like the other character, I really like their appearance... especially the girls), but you know the next update will also don't show many bestiality. It could be sad or frustrating but I want to see where the dev leads us (For now he doesn't disappoint me with his choices and he shows us so many good kinks ^^).

It's strange to me that so much is put into a model and the ability for determinate paths, only for that to immediately be rendered meaningless and linear. I also felt the way it was written/presented seemed rather forced.
Well, I think it's a good thing that the secondary or tertiary characters have good renders too, that make them memorable. You feel they are real character and not just some random NPC. Like I said I think the death of Kiana (or Andre) is a good thing to show the horror of the virus AND the madness of Sidney (She's funny and dangerous), like you I really liked Kiana and hoped we could see her more but it's exactly why I really like her death, it was bold (a good point in my opinion).
But you know I really want to see some muscle futa too in the future because I think it's a good combo. :)

She also didn't do anything as overtly immoral in comparison to the other characters we have been introduced to (including Sydney, who is a full on murderer now)
For this it makes me remember that Tiff could be a sort of Sidney in her own way. Depending of the player's choices she can let zombies rape Debra (and we didn't know she was immune). Fun fact ^^
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Game Developer
Jun 20, 2018
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Jan 18, 2019
And just to elaborate some more on what I said above:
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Frankly i dont get the attachment to these characters at the moment nearly all characters except Tiffany and her partner (i forget his name at the moment) haven't had enough screen time to make an much of an impact except maybe that guy looking for his daughter since he seems like gets some character development, i even disliked andre because of his annoying boss fight since it involves having to go through that hoard before getting to him (also hes an asshole i guess that was his character) People miss Kiana because she had tits.

Jack Tester

New Member
Jun 27, 2017
Well that's simply because Kiana tickled a lot of people's preferences. :3
Futa has been popular since the rise of sexual imagination, whether people care to admit it not.

Doesn't matter if it's any other character catering to a fetish/type. Kiana is well liked because of her appearance, regardless of role and purpose.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
View attachment 158652
Terminal Desires is an erotic, zombie themed, role playing game made with RPG Maker MV. Set in a fictional version of Earth where incredibly skimpy outfits and huge proportions are the norm. Control police officer Tiffany Neil as she and her partner investigate a mysterious distress signal from the small, secluded town of 'Ashton Lake' and uncover the horrors within.
Explore the town, face fearsome enemies in combat, make important story defining decisions and sexual choices. Will she submit to her every desire? Or will she resist and uncover the shocking truth hidden deep within the town's walls? Her fate, along with the town's is yours to decide...​

Thread Updated: 2020-03-27
Release Date: 2020-03-27
Developer/Publisher: Jimjim -
Censorship: No
Version: 0.08
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English
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Instructions for New quests/scenes
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Mac (0.06b): - - - MEGA -

Beast Patch: Win - Mac

wesertwesert Thanks for the link.
*This port/version is unofficial and not released by the developer. Download at your own risk.

View attachment 158653 View attachment 158654 View attachment 158655 View attachment 158656 View attachment 158657 View attachment 158658 View attachment 158659 View attachment 158660
fun game just too bad the main heroine does not corrupt more


Game Developer
Jun 20, 2018
Hey Jimjim, do you plan on adding a gallery into the game?
Yeah, soon. I need to overhaul a lot of my code and break saves to do a whole bunch of under the hood changes after I'm done with the new casino content. I wil add it in whatever version number that ends up being. Either v0.09 or v0.10

There's a Roadmap here:

But I'm about to update it some time this week to reflect new plans. But it's still generally accurate minus the ETAs which I won't be predicting any more.
Jan 28, 2018
Yeah, soon. I need to overhaul a lot of my code and break saves to do a whole bunch of under the hood changes after I'm done with the new casino content. I wil add it in whatever version number that ends up being. Either v0.09 or v0.10

There's a Roadmap here:

But I'm about to update it some time this week to reflect new plans. But it's still generally accurate minus the ETAs which I won't be predicting any more.
As always, take all the time you need Jimjim. We understand. : )

Loving the new stuff as always. Thank you so much.
4.40 star(s) 35 Votes