
May 28, 2017
I suggest you use older version of this game, because It was a joke how much cut-off content this version had compare to older.
I somewhat hate to be that person but listen to this person, while the build has many improvements the whole stripping down of animations down to that of power point like transitions pretty much takes out a lot of the fun of actually seeing the scenes go on. There are some animations still in like the ones for selecting certain options but if it's a matter of any of the sexual or otherwise core content it's slideshow city.


Dec 11, 2017
I somewhat hate to be that person but listen to this person, while the build has many improvements the whole stripping down of animations down to that of power point like transitions pretty much takes out a lot of the fun of actually seeing the scenes go on. There are some animations still in like the ones for selecting certain options but if it's a matter of any of the sexual or otherwise core content it's slideshow city.
I mean mate...this version Is not even 1gb size while the older version Is almost 2gb Its explain for itself, but well I am not into that stuff anyway that the game offer, but the facts are facts, maybe on others sites you can get new full version of this game that are not cut-off.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
I suggest you use older version of this game, because It was a joke how much cut-off content this version had compare to older.
I somewhat hate to be that person but listen to this person, while the build has many improvements the whole stripping down of animations down to that of power point like transitions pretty much takes out a lot of the fun of actually seeing the scenes go on. There are some animations still in like the ones for selecting certain options but if it's a matter of any of the sexual or otherwise core content it's slideshow city.
I mean mate...this version Is not even 1gb size while the older version Is almost 2gb Its explain for itself, but well I am not into that stuff anyway that the game offer, but the facts are facts, maybe on others sites you can get new full version of this game that are not cut-off.
imagine posting a demo and not full game L dev
Hey people.

Thank you for your interest. But this is a DEMO. As you know, DEMO is just to show people an idea about the main content. As the content is very mature, I don't release it for free. So, if you are not an adult, I don't recommend to try the demo even. It's not for you.

Sry Nexor6 if you are not satisfied by the DEMO. But I hope you got the idea what a Demo is. Good day.
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Dec 11, 2017
Hey people.

Thank you for your interest. But this is a DEMO. As you know, DEMO is just to show people an idea about the main content. As the content is very mature, I don't release it for free. So, if you are not an adult, I don't recommend to try the demo even. It's not for you.

Sry Nexor6 if you are not satisfied by the DEMO. But I hope you got the idea what a Demo is. Good day.
But do you understand that you older version of this game had a content that being cut-off In this version right? are you aware of this, that this looks like backwards? you post older version of this game and in the "NEW" version you decide to cut-off the content from older version and say "This Is a new version, that I rip off 50% size of the older versions and say this Is a new version"

Ps.whats the point of this "demo" If you can play older version of this game that are looks WAY less demo than this? you kinda to late with that demo If you ask me Its not about free or not free, Its about that you kinda to late months with the idea of "THAT" demo while you older version of this game are free roam In the internet which had animations and all the stuff that this demo being cut off.

Ps2.Like I said this game Is not my cup of tea but considering you game has really small fanbase due to the things this game had, you should at least hear them out you instead of "Have a nice day"
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Oct 29, 2019
Last time I tried this game it was pretty much a demo already, animation viewer and not much other content, no goals, prototype-stage gameplay. And I understand people who suggest to gut free version in some different way, making it a joke can be counterproductive.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
But do you understand that you older version of this game had a content that being cut-off In this version right? are you aware of this, that this looks like backwards? you post older version of this game and in the "NEW" version you decide to cut-off the content from older version and say "This Is a new version, that I rip off 50% size of the older versions and say this Is a new version"

Ps.whats the point of this "demo" If you can play older version of this game that are looks WAY less demo than this? you kinda to late with that demo If you ask me Its not about free or not free, Its about that you kinda to late months with the idea of "THAT" demo while you older version of this game are free roam In the internet which had animations and all the stuff that this demo being cut off.
I think you miss understand something. I said, I did not release any of ToM versions free officially here or other places. So the one you talk about as "you post older version" is not posted by me. It's pirated here, illegally shared by people. And as I said this is not a new or old version, this is a DEMO.

"This Is a new version, that I rip off 50% size of the older versions and say this Is a new version" I never said this, you say this by yourself and puts words in my mouth. Please, don't act like I am saying things I never said. Can you understand what happens here? I repeat, I never release any version of ToM anywhere else but for my backers at Subscriber.

And some info for you, the main game is about 4 GB and the platform I use to release DEMO (not here, it's not mine, I don't release anything here) got a 1 GB of size limit for games.

As an answer to your PS, not many people just rush to get pirated content and search for free content at shady websites which just getting profit from the download links you get your pirated content (they don't pirate or upload content because they love you). So I needed to have a DEMO for everybody from legal and safe ways. The free roaming build you talk about was already very old and gives false impressions to people who saw it. AND as a developer, I don't support pirates and I am here to answer your questions because my good will, as I know that there are people even they don't notice they are "pirating" the content. Probably, you are one of them as you think I am the one who is releasing my content here.

If you are interested by the concept and wanna have an idea before support and get the main game, you can check the DEMO and you judge it by yourself. OR you can just play it with still images as %95 of the games at this website is just like that.
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Jan 20, 2021
The game launches on Monitor 2, in "exclusive fullscreen" but behind the windows taskbar, which covers the exit button on the main menu. The graphics settings menu doesn't do anything when selecting between exclusive fullscreen, fulscreen windowed, or windowed. It also doesn't care about which monitor is selected (it actually selects monitor 1 - my primary monitor - as the default, despite not launching there), it defaults to "unlimited framerate" but is capped to 60 anyway (thankfully). For the monitor refresh rates, some don't show up until the game is relaunched, only some use "Hz" at the end, and none of the selections change the fps cap in relation to monitor refresh rates. Anything selected in the graphics settings menu is not saved, and will be reset to default on the next launch. Monitor selection is named "Diplay" and not "Display" and the text is blurry until it is changed.

On the bright side? Alt+enter works to exit fullscreen, so I could move it to my other monitor, and to be able to see the exit button.

Btw for the comments about "this is a demo blah blah" so what? There's a lot of demos on this site, the file states that it's a demo, and the version number is the same as the demo on, so idk where any confusion on whether or not this is a demo comes from.

And some info for you, the main game is about 4 GB and the platform I use to release DEMO (not here, it's not mine, I don't release anything here) got a 1 GB of size limit for games.
This is actually a good point, which most people don't realize. Itch *does* have a maximum upload size, which is 1GB for most people. You *can* ask for a higher personal limit, but only if you can justify that there's simply no way to better optimize the size of the game files. I think butler also lets you bypass the upload limit, though.

Good luck on the production of your game, Drages and I hope you don't mind the existance of pirates too much...there's not much anybody can do to get rid of piracy. Although I hope you understand that what you do here, answering questions and opinions, is actually one of the best ways to go about piracy. Just treat it as another form of advertising, as a decent chunk of game pirates will turn around and purchase/back a project if they like what they see, and are mainly pirating just to try it out for free (cause most games these days don't do official demos). At least, that's what I do :p

P.S. As the game dev, you have the full ability to change what gets updated here on the main post, and if you really feel like it, can stop by every so often to change the current version to link to the itch demo :) though it might end up becoming tiring if others keep bumping new posts instead. Unless you request ownership of the page, which then you can keep it at the version you want to be public.
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Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018


I know that options sucks and my coder could not handle it well enough with some attempts. The best way is as you said alt+enter and move it between monitors. I always use it as windowed. As the game is with animations of 30 FPS, the default frame rate works. I will try to make it better later.

About Itch, I made the game file size hardly under 1 GB and I was ready to ask the raise the limit. I will probably need it at next demo.

Pirates will be pirates. As I live in a 3. world county, I pirated things too. Pirating got some purposes too. You wanna test something you wanna buy. You just support but can't do it forever. As you said, as an advertisement too at some degree. For those reasons, I did not do any move to delete any of my games from here. But there are dangers too.

Lets face it, most of the people who asks free stuff are not adults. Because if you like something and you want to have it as an adult, you can pay for it. I mean we are living in a world with 40$ "game skins" and at least 10$ per month just to see random boobs at onlyfans. With those prices, I think asking some $ as a full time mini development team for a kink game should be fair.

Another point is, the content I do is harsh for non-adults so there is a paywall. As I am creating this kind of stuff for 20+ years, many people tells me they started their kinks with my animations.

As you said, I don't get the fuss about having a demo and have still images in it. People are asking for a demo for years and tbh this idea came to me very late as I already use those stills at the "not animated yet" parts of the main game.

Another fun fact is, I did not do anything to change the game version at this topic, the uploader changed it by himself and funny, other pirating websites do the same. I think they are allll working together by same people to get the download revenue.
I just asked the uploader to replace the images.

I repeat myself, the content is not for non-adults and this is the danger here. I don't think the mods or uploaders care much about it but it's a fact. We got a minotaur rapes and brutally kills people.. this is madness..
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May 28, 2017
I repeat myself, the content is not for non-adults and this is the danger here.
This entire site is +18 primarily however, the issue wouldn't really matter unless it showed up in a place where that isn't the main atmosphere of the site or, in the case of itch, unlabeled with the +18 warning which you yourself have made sure it is marked as such. The danger you speak of can't exactly exist when most if not all of the sites that had the pirated build were adult sites in the first place.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
This entire site is +18 primarily however, the issue wouldn't really matter unless it showed up in a place where that isn't the main atmosphere of the site or, in the case of itch, unlabeled with the +18 warning which you yourself have made sure it is marked as such. The danger you speak of can't exactly exist when most if not all of the sites that had the pirated build were adult sites in the first place.
It's labeled as "adult" and tagged so at itch, so I did not understand what you try to say.

The demo is not a big deal but the main game can be problem for minors here. Yes, this website is fully adult, but you think that every member here are adult because it asks you your age? There are many minors here without any payment method and wanna see adult content. This is the danger of piracing the adult content. Yeah just some sex would not be big deal but there are more. Imagine that, some minors first love will be a voracious futa minotaur...
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May 28, 2017
It's labeled as "adult" and tagged so at itch, so I did not understand what you try to say.

The demo is not a big deal but the main game can be problem for minors here. Yes, this website is fully adult, but you think that every member here are adult because it asks you your age? There are many minors here without any payment method and wanna see adult content. This is the danger of piracing the adult content. Yeah just some sex would not be big deal but there are more. Imagine that, some minors first love will be a voracious futa minotaur...
By that given logic, your argument here makes no difference because by the same metric that anyone can lie about their age, they can do the exact same on itch and there they don't even need to make an account to download things or see general links, something required here all the same. Hell, I still don't see how the "danger" suddenly affects the demo's presentation since the game shows general nudity to begin with even on the itch page you made to begin with.

What would the price have to do with anything if the main concern of the danger you say exist is that minors can gain access to the game regardless of the nature of the sites? Again, by your own words you acknowledge people can just lie anyway so what does the price matter if the Demo still contains the adult content uncensored to begin with? This is disregarding that past the violent bits, gore and what not are quite general overall compared to even this game because of the popularity of other games like MK & GoW, two game series very well known for their gore with even the former's latest game being available on the switch regardless of how crappy people have shown it runs on there; so even the violent aspect doesn't really equate a general concern in the case of the topic.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
By that given logic, your argument here makes no difference because by the same metric that anyone can lie about their age, they can do the exact same on itch and there they don't even need to make an account to download things or see general links, something required here all the same. Hell, I still don't see how the "danger" suddenly affects the demo's presentation since the game shows general nudity to begin with even on the itch page you made to begin with.

What would the price have to do with anything if the main concern of the danger you say exist is that minors can gain access to the game regardless of the nature of the sites? Again, by your own words you acknowledge people can just lie anyway so what does the price matter if the Demo still contains the adult content uncensored to begin with? This is disregarding that past the violent bits, gore and what not are quite general overall compared to even this game because of the popularity of other games like MK & GoW, two game series very well known for their gore with even the former's latest game being available on the switch regardless of how crappy people have shown it runs on there; so even the violent aspect doesn't really equate a general concern in the case of the topic.
I respect your point of view and I don't say you are wrong. I think demo is safer as there is difference to see a picture and watching a video with audio. The violance is sexual, this is the difference between MK and ToM. I guess you don't know the content of ToM so you think it's the violance we got everywhere but not. Probably I am the only one who animates this kind of extreme violance content out there.


May 28, 2017
I respect your point of view and I don't say you are wrong. I think demo is safer as there is difference to see a picture and watching a video with audio. The violance is sexual, this is the difference between MK and ToM. I guess you don't know the content of ToM so you think it's the violance we got everywhere but not. Probably I am the only one who animates this kind of extreme violance content out there.
The violence is sexual for you, not everyone and that applies to those interested and not. Some people just see it as general Guro/Ryona, some as you do and other as just a part they acknowledge but don't actually engage with. Not to mention, personally here, I have seen worse for non directly porn games like Crackle Cradle which has no actual sexual content and is solely surrounded by the fetish of the aforementioned Guro/Ryona + Vore. I know the context of the game as I know most if not all of your previous works and content to begin with and it's not as extreme as you think past maybe the artstyle itself at the end of the day. Violence is violence weather or not someone actually gets off on it.


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Feb 21, 2023
Does anyone know how to fix the black and white screen? I can't make heads or tails of the instructions.
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