Like this game a lot, put a good amount of time into it. Some feedback for the author (my opinion, you know best and make your own decisions)
If there is one card left and you select "auto-play simple" and it's a card that can't be autoplayed, the deal button disappears. I'm not sure if this only happens with certain cards, and it can be fixed by refreshing the screen (ie trying to buy a card you can't afford).
- "Deal" as text for the end turn/new hand button isn't totally clear. Consider a different word - even something like "End Turn".
- The information about what happened the previous turn (damage dealt/prevented) is difficult to find. Consider putting it in a more prominent location / making things more clear.
- Consider adding visual effects that highlight which cards you can afford with your current resource levels
- I think it's a poor game design decision to have mind cards, your starting basic resource, be a bit of a trap (and as you mentioned, the most complicated/difficult strategy to make work). This puts new players in a situation where spending their early resources on cards (which they are trying to understand) is a very poor long-term decision as so many mind cards generate additional mind, which is not a resource you can use on most turns. You've mentioned previously that mind-based strategies can work, but they are certainly not the easiest most efficient, and for new players it can be confusing/frustrating that cards they purchased early can feel like a total waste. As the game is currently balanced, the best chance of consistently winning story mode is to ignore all non-cantrip mind cards completely (except maybe the basic card that gives you two hearts if you need it).
Thematically, it's cool that the idea is your mind is being corrupted and so mind becomes more difficult to use, so I can understand your attachment. Still, I think the experience for new players is worse for this (experienced players will play around this). If I were going to fix this and wanted to keep your theme, I'd make the first story battle easier somehow - so that players are almost guaranteed to win, but they also get to see the variety of cards and the way the game changes. I'd probably just make this a tutorial, disable set bonuses, and allow experienced players to skip it.
- Speaking of tutorials, I'm sure you know there are a lot of things that you want to make clearer. The way basic cards transform isn't totally transparent (I'm familiar with the rules/mechanic, but as players you get no notifications when this starts or which card was transformed). Have you considered changing things so that playing your card will transform it (ie when you play a brainstorm with more than X TF it transforms into a flirt? Future versions could add a visual effect to signify this (ie just a larger version of the graphic at the bottom with an arrow on it).
- Cards that let you reset the buy pile would be much cooler if you could play them like an enchantment from Magic the gathering, and then "use them" on a given turn (which would put them in your discard pile). Your game is heavily draw-based so once you get an engine some of the reset cards become viable, but before then they are fairly weak and they are useless against bosses. At least if they played like an enchantment you wouldn't draw them multiple times in boss battles.
- I'm sure you're planning on this, but future versions should let you more easily see what each transformation will give you. Mouseover text on the icons at the top would be helpful for desktop users (or click shows a div with bonus explanation text).
- Perks aren't really balanced well; maybe this is intentional (similar to different power levels on cards).
- Some classes don't work well if you start with very high TF - may have just been luck of the draw, but playing maid with something like 75 starting TF meant I didn't see any cleaning cards for the entire game.
- I think pacing at the end of the game might need some balancing. It feels much stronger/more reliable to beat stage 3 as slowly as possible in order to get as many strong draw cards as possible so you can combo out huge amounts of damage on the boss. Playing a quicker/rush deck sets you up poorly for the final boss fight, even if you come in with low starting TF. This could be solved by having small increases in TF of the non-boss characters you fight ie 100/125/150 artificially lengthening those fights and allowing more time to find specific cards...I'm not sure though. Take this at face value.
Nice job and fun game! It'd probably be fun without the porn, so you must have done something well.
Edit: Extra little notes:
It would be nice if I could toggle "Auto-play simple cards" to always happen.
It would be nice if cards that drew 1 card counted as a simple card (even if the resulting card wasn't played automatically, and obviously there would be exceptions)
It would be amazing (but probably not feasible with whatever engine you're using) if every action didn't trigger a page refresh but was instead handled inline (via AJAX calls or something). I don't really like the fade in/fade out that happens on every click.