Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
Is the new version's story mode bugged? It ends after the first boss always.
The skip intro button was bugged.

Anywhere, here's a . Sorry for not using Mega but I'm having problems uploading to the site atm.

Edit: The mega link on the previous page now works.


Jul 18, 2017
is there a tactic to win or is 100% rng?
for example: which cards should I buy?

Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
is there a tactic to win or is 100% rng?
for example: which cards should I buy?
There's a good variety of strategies you can use.

Solo brain (using the 'no heart' cards. This is the hardest strategy for thematic reasons)
Femme Fatale (use both heart and brain cards. Try to get the theme bonuses that upgrade hearts. Being able to use both Triumph of the Mind and Cock Tease in the same deck is very powerful)
Heart focused (Upgraded Cock tease is the center of this strategy, the modifier that adds 1 heart to all heart generation is essential)
Late game focused (Start at around 70 TF, the card draw around this level is very high, you can build decks that draw the whole thing in one turn consistantly fairly easily. The Sex Change modifier is essential.)
Do whatever your transformation is (Bimbo is high card draw and no brain, Maid wants to be high submission and try to clean as little as possible while still using the payoff cards, Hucow wants to make the game go as long as possible and turtle).

Some general strategy tips are card draw is very powerful, shield is generally better than TF and plan around the transitions from brain to heart to sub.
Sep 8, 2018
Well this is a game that deserves the title. Solid theme with a lot of variety in genres and actual mechanics that require a little more than just spamming left-click.
But this is very much a diamond in the rough since there are still a lot of corners that need smoothing over and content is rather lackluster.
The idea and setting is pretty nice and the smooth progression between card types is a genius idea.
So props to you dev :D.


Dec 25, 2018
Not so difficult once you know the mechanics. Very good game! I can0t wait for a release that allows us to play unlimited time, with no end.

The game finishes very soon.


Jun 28, 2018
So we've seen what the other decks are that are currently planned out. Any thoughts on more aggressive archetypes, like dominatrix or succubi (assuming fantasy/supernatural tropes are allowed with the rest of the oddities)? Likewise, once the base game is complete, could we expect things like themed expansions? Or would they just be in the form of regular updates?


Here is some feedback after a few hours of playing the game:

I can keep adding cards to my deck but not remove them. So my draws get worse and worse the longer the game continues unless I stack card draw. Why can't I keep cards in my hand for the next turn? Why can't I choose to mulligan or exile useless cards from my deck?

How will I be able to buy a card that I want? What causes the card to appear in the buy pile? What causes for example triumph of the mind to appear, because I haven't seen it so far in 5+ games. At certain TF thresholds it seems like the buy pile switches card source altogether. Suddenly all intelligence cards are gone and replaced by sex cards, then because of the ever accelerating rate your opponent damages you, all sex cards quickly get replaced by submission cards. If this happens I have probably already lost because now my resource generators are of the wrong type which leads to me not being able to buy new cards and I become stuck with the deck I have and lose.

How much damage is my opponent doing to me this turn? How much armor do I need to stack up to be able to defend. I was at about TF 20 with no armor for one turn due to a bad draw and my opponent hit me for a lot (8-9?) forcing a switch in cards that appear in the buy pile and that eventually caused a loss.

Why aren't there more TF reducing cards?

The boss removes the buy pile and the reset buy pile cards then become dead draws unless they have other effects. Why don't my TF get reset for the boss?

I was then easily able to defeat all opponents by making a deck containing only all-nighters, counter-measures, work interviews and other cycling cards. It was so powerful that I defeated the boss with less than 30 TF.

So it feels like resource generators are useless unless they cycle. You better have a solid plan before you start and get lucky to buy those cards that you need. Mixing resource types (intelligence, sex or submission) seems like a total no-go. It feels like I'm making very few decisions per turn as it seems all winning decks must draw most of the deck every turn to stack up defense and damage.

It feels like the core game needs more work.
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Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
So we've seen what the other decks are that are currently planned out. Any thoughts on more aggressive archetypes, like dominatrix or succubi (assuming fantasy/supernatural tropes are allowed with the rest of the oddities)? Likewise, once the base game is complete, could we expect things like themed expansions? Or would they just be in the form of regular updates?
One of the transformations in .4 is Futanari which is focused around being dominant. As far as full expansions go, it depends. I have a few ideas about where to go when all the transformations are in and the base game is finished, but nothing concrete. That's a bit far off. As for now, each transformation is basically a mini themed expansion.

Here is some feedback after a few hours of playing the game:
You're having a hard time because you don't fully understand the mechanics. I'm not saying that's on you (there's not really a tutorial and the rules screen isn't super robust).

I can keep adding cards to my deck but not remove them. So my draws get worse and worse the longer the game continues unless I stack card draw. Why can't I keep cards in my hand for the next turn? Why can't I choose to mulligan or exile useless cards from my deck?
Every card you add to your deck should be increasing card quality. A: Because it means you're less likely to draw a brainstorm/flirt/submit and B: because if you don't want to draw it in the future, don't buy it. As for not keeping cards in your hand/not exiling stuff, why can't the pawn in chess move two sideways Because even if that might add strategic complexity in a different way, the game isn't designed around it. More mechanics does not necessarily make a game better. Trying to make a consistent deck with what you're given is what TF Card Battle is all about.

How will I be able to buy a card that I want? What causes the card to appear in the buy pile? What causes for example triumph of the mind to appear, because I haven't seen it so far in 5+ games. At certain TF thresholds it seems like the buy pile switches card source altogether. Suddenly all intelligence cards are gone and replaced by sex cards, then because of the ever accelerating rate your opponent damages you, all sex cards quickly get replaced by submission cards. If this happens I have probably already lost because now my resource generators are of the wrong type which leads to me not being able to buy new cards and I become stuck with the deck I have and lose.
Your buy piles shift with your TF level. Planning around this is very important to the strategy of the game. This is not a mechanical problem, it's the entire point of the game.

How much damage is my opponent doing to me this turn? How much armor do I need to stack up to be able to defend. I was at about TF 20 with no armor for one turn due to a bad draw and my opponent hit me for a lot (8-9?) forcing a switch in cards that appear in the buy pile and that eventually caused a loss.
Knowing this is pointless as it's never bad to gain armor and there's essentially no decision points in playing cards that would gain more armor in a specific situation. So might as well have the suspense.

Why aren't there more TF reducing cards?
Because it's a very powerful and splashy mechanic that serves better as a cool thing to aim for/can't do all the time.

Why don't my TF get reset for the boss?
Because the game isn't balanced and designed around it. If your TF reset it would ruin the risk/reward nature of high submissiveness strategies and the bosses would need to significantly buffed.

I was then easily able to defeat all opponents by making a deck containing only all-nighters, counter-measures, work interviews and other cycling cards. It was so powerful that I defeated the boss with less than 30 TF.
Good, that's one strategy.

You better have a solid plan before you start and get lucky to buy those cards that you need.
If you don't the cards for a specific strategy, you've probably been dealt ones for a different one. But yes, planning is important.

Mixing resource types (intelligence, sex or submission) seems like a total no-go.
This is pretty much completely wrong. It sounds like you haven't explored the games strategy very much and are pretty much only going for brain focused builds. Or maybe you're just playing Classic mode. Story mode is a lot more fun and has amuch more variety in my opinion.

It feels like I'm making very few decisions per turn as it seems all winning decks must draw most of the deck every turn to stack up defense and damage.
What cards you buy is the strategy.


If you say so. If your patreon supporters like it, whom am I to judge.

Should cards that convert a resource to armor be useless against the boss? Just lost a close game because it seemed gang protection gave me no armor when I think have got at least 6.

Edit: And now I got the mental fortitude boss and a hand with lots of intelligence resources and a seduction card! Hah, I can bypass his defenses with this play... or so I thought. Your game has a nice idea and is a good proof of concept but I think it needs more work.

Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
If you say so. If your patreon supporters like it, whom am I to judge.
Lots of people like it. My target audience (the people on TFGamessite) love it. Most importantly, I like it, and I'm the one who has to play it for 100s of hours.

Should cards that convert a resource to armor be useless against the boss? Just lost a close game because it seemed gang protection gave me no armor when I think have got at least 6.
They do work. Are you surer the boss didn't play "High Standards" which makes him immune to heart gain?

Your game has a nice idea and is a good proof of concept but I think it needs more work.
Well it is in alpha. But I disagree that the base mechanics need much work. Right now the focus is on balancing and content. If you don't like the game, I'm sorry but not everyone likes every game.


Sep 2, 2017
Knowing this is pointless as it's never bad to gain armor and there's essentially no decision points in playing cards that would gain more armor in a specific situation.
The only one I can think of is that -4def/x3heart card (Just the Tip?). Knowing what TF your opponent will use could help you in deciding whether or not to lower your defense (particularly when buying cards - it's almost always worth it in boss fights because the hearts do damage).

I don't think that should change, though. It's just an aspect of chance.

I'll echo the sentiment that cards that give you brains feel really useless. They're okay towards the beginning of the game, but the end-game brains cards are rare (you often won't see one in the buy pile) and have a high cost, so you effectively need a bunch of extra draw cards, or the x2 brains one, on the same turn that a late brain card happens to show up in the buy pile.

It's bad enough that I think the best move is to simply not buy non-draw cards in the beginning of the game (with the possible exception of those security defense cards).

I do have a basic question or bug report for you, though. It seems like Ditz cards cannot be added to your deck when you're fighting a boss. Similarly, there's an upper limit on the number of Ditz cards you can have (based off your total deck size?). This makes the Bimbo game super easy because you can just spam the Ditz-generating cards with reckless abandon - even before you get the game-breaking buff that effectively removes Ditz cards (by adding a draw-1 to them). Is this intended?


Jun 28, 2018
I do have a basic question or bug report for you, though. It seems like Ditz cards cannot be added to your deck when you're fighting a boss. Similarly, there's an upper limit on the number of Ditz cards you can have (based off your total deck size?). This makes the Bimbo game super easy because you can just spam the Ditz-generating cards with reckless abandon - even before you get the game-breaking buff that effectively removes Ditz cards (by adding a draw-1 to them). Is this intended?
Edit: Oh hey. I was confused about the same part. So the cap on ditz cards is equal to the number of bimbo cards in your deck. Not just that. They are added when you buy, not when you play them. That is where my confusion was as well. Though it actually doesn't hurt to have more ditz cards in your deck if that is the archetype you are playing, as eventually they will get a draw effect added to them. Combine it with the deck thinning, and it can help create a pretty potent cycle deck that makes use of cards like Practice Makes Perfect (TF = # of ditz cards in deck) and Brain Fart (defence = number of cards drawn this turn)

Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
I do have a basic question or bug report for you, though. It seems like Ditz cards cannot be added to your deck when you're fighting a boss. Similarly, there's an upper limit on the number of Ditz cards you can have (based off your total deck size?). This makes the Bimbo game super easy because you can just spam the Ditz-generating cards with reckless abandon - even before you get the game-breaking buff that effectively removes Ditz cards (by adding a draw-1 to them). Is this intended?
Your ditz count goes up when you buy a card that has "$: Add a ditz to your deck" on it. Everything you said is intended. Bimbo, Maid, and Hucow all have very linear strategies because they are the first transformations added to the game.


Sep 2, 2017
Oooooh, silly me thought it was always supposed to go up when you USED the card. That dollar sign makes a lot more sense now. Thanks.


New Member
Mar 17, 2018
Those of you who like the gameplay you should check out other deck building games like Dominion or Star/Hero Realms. (Hero Realms is probably the most like this game.)


New Member
Sep 8, 2017
Like this game a lot, put a good amount of time into it. Some feedback for the author (my opinion, you know best and make your own decisions)

If there is one card left and you select "auto-play simple" and it's a card that can't be autoplayed, the deal button disappears. I'm not sure if this only happens with certain cards, and it can be fixed by refreshing the screen (ie trying to buy a card you can't afford).

- "Deal" as text for the end turn/new hand button isn't totally clear. Consider a different word - even something like "End Turn".

- The information about what happened the previous turn (damage dealt/prevented) is difficult to find. Consider putting it in a more prominent location / making things more clear.

- Consider adding visual effects that highlight which cards you can afford with your current resource levels

- I think it's a poor game design decision to have mind cards, your starting basic resource, be a bit of a trap (and as you mentioned, the most complicated/difficult strategy to make work). This puts new players in a situation where spending their early resources on cards (which they are trying to understand) is a very poor long-term decision as so many mind cards generate additional mind, which is not a resource you can use on most turns. You've mentioned previously that mind-based strategies can work, but they are certainly not the easiest most efficient, and for new players it can be confusing/frustrating that cards they purchased early can feel like a total waste. As the game is currently balanced, the best chance of consistently winning story mode is to ignore all non-cantrip mind cards completely (except maybe the basic card that gives you two hearts if you need it).
Thematically, it's cool that the idea is your mind is being corrupted and so mind becomes more difficult to use, so I can understand your attachment. Still, I think the experience for new players is worse for this (experienced players will play around this). If I were going to fix this and wanted to keep your theme, I'd make the first story battle easier somehow - so that players are almost guaranteed to win, but they also get to see the variety of cards and the way the game changes. I'd probably just make this a tutorial, disable set bonuses, and allow experienced players to skip it.

- Speaking of tutorials, I'm sure you know there are a lot of things that you want to make clearer. The way basic cards transform isn't totally transparent (I'm familiar with the rules/mechanic, but as players you get no notifications when this starts or which card was transformed). Have you considered changing things so that playing your card will transform it (ie when you play a brainstorm with more than X TF it transforms into a flirt? Future versions could add a visual effect to signify this (ie just a larger version of the graphic at the bottom with an arrow on it).

- Cards that let you reset the buy pile would be much cooler if you could play them like an enchantment from Magic the gathering, and then "use them" on a given turn (which would put them in your discard pile). Your game is heavily draw-based so once you get an engine some of the reset cards become viable, but before then they are fairly weak and they are useless against bosses. At least if they played like an enchantment you wouldn't draw them multiple times in boss battles.

- I'm sure you're planning on this, but future versions should let you more easily see what each transformation will give you. Mouseover text on the icons at the top would be helpful for desktop users (or click shows a div with bonus explanation text).

- Perks aren't really balanced well; maybe this is intentional (similar to different power levels on cards).

- Some classes don't work well if you start with very high TF - may have just been luck of the draw, but playing maid with something like 75 starting TF meant I didn't see any cleaning cards for the entire game.

- I think pacing at the end of the game might need some balancing. It feels much stronger/more reliable to beat stage 3 as slowly as possible in order to get as many strong draw cards as possible so you can combo out huge amounts of damage on the boss. Playing a quicker/rush deck sets you up poorly for the final boss fight, even if you come in with low starting TF. This could be solved by having small increases in TF of the non-boss characters you fight ie 100/125/150 artificially lengthening those fights and allowing more time to find specific cards...I'm not sure though. Take this at face value.

Nice job and fun game! It'd probably be fun without the porn, so you must have done something well.

Edit: Extra little notes:
It would be nice if I could toggle "Auto-play simple cards" to always happen.
It would be nice if cards that drew 1 card counted as a simple card (even if the resulting card wasn't played automatically, and obviously there would be exceptions)
It would be amazing (but probably not feasible with whatever engine you're using) if every action didn't trigger a page refresh but was instead handled inline (via AJAX calls or something). I don't really like the fade in/fade out that happens on every click.
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