Above Is a presentation of Games supporters number through time.
Note the explosive growth from launch until july 2018. At that point we have a New dev starting from zero(no kick of on an establised fanbase). Good enough at rendering, mediocre at coding.
Turning point Is the launch of ch 7. At that point ch 7 isnt Yet evaluated from the fanbase and all his initial growth and dynamic Is Based in the first 6 chapter.
So what about ch 7?
OK it was buggy but so were previous chapter. Coding Is problematic, but routes arent stretched enough at that point to cause gameplay issues.
The only thing making the update different from previous ones Is the introduction of anne cheating. Note that Is still optional and the scene Is not even a penetration scene.
Its takes the dev 5 monts and 4 update to get to the exact spot He already was.
Note that through ch7 to ch10, game has almost zero growth. During that time tac has the already disqussed game mechanism issues, dev Is going from good enough to great at rendering, animations are intoduced, game becomes one of the heaviest in terms of sex scenes numbers.
Lesson learned (or not)
1)Renders were never an True issue.
2) Heavy sex scene content doesnt equals growth. Implementing everyones kink request doesnt help. Fappers fap for Free.
3) Initial fanbase misunderstood game premise or dev orientation, or dev misunderstood the nature of his original fanbase. Ntr, cuckold, cheating tags were there but initial fanbase expected to see a couple. The initial premise was a couple and how things could work for them. The term couple by nature priorities swinging or cuckolding and being together instead of cheating or ntr.
Prioritizing cheating was a Major Turning point even being optional. The pandora's box arguements were not convincing for the initial fanbase.
4) Through ch 7 to 10 game ended stereotypical. Swinging was never a True option. Couple ended not a couple. Cheating and ntr were main options often forced to the player.
5) after 10 original chapters and 5 revamped, and 20 months of development that initial 6 months fanbase equals to 85-90% of current fanbase.
If this couple Is ever supposed to act As one, they should probably after 15 ch have a meanigfull conversation at some point. Deal with their feelings, the terms of their relationship, agree or disagree, show some character. Hang out together, go for a walk in the Park or Maybe eat a Pizza without by default having 12inch dicks luring around ready to get on their face.