To be honest i am struggling to finish it.
Its not the bugs that continue to exist. Its another thing that Is revamped ch. main flaw.
Dev was given all the time needed and more than that. From release of original chapter1, in a period of about a year he had relealesed 10 chapters. He was working his Ass of producing from scratch a game that at Some point every near a month update contained about 1k render. Starting from 0 supporters and income.
Having to design the game, script each scene and prepare rendering. Then rendering, coding, testing. He had his victories and had his defeats.
Then decided to revamp it, which in my opinion was the right choise.
And then chilled.
In 10 months having the suport of an Already established fanbase, a steady monthly income, the experience and not having to redesign almost 99%of the existing scenes (which Is the most time consuming part of Dev) he delivered 6 revamped ch. +4 almost indentical to the original ones.
For me its understandable.
But he missed a great opportunity.
Both original and revamped editions are probably among the best fapping material in this site.
But for anyone Already played the original editinion the revamp has lost its fapping potential and also its interest since its exactly the same content scene by scene, decision by decision, sex scene by sex scene.
One of the main flaws of the original edition was the constant feeling that player had zero control. Either by the bugs in the game or by the way story progressed. Should i fuck that chick? Should i let Yet another randon creepy dude Nat on my wife? What are the paths, what Is the logic and what the fuck i must do?
In the revamp the issue Is mainly dealt in 2 ways. Firstly by further reducing players control. There was a porn movie watching scene in original chapter 6. It was suppose to seperate paths, and it caused many problem and complain in later ch. So we just removed it.
Also the implementation of the stats bar. For me its just a fake feeling of control, not a real one.
You get penalized in the Start when not fucking your wife. And it makes sense. And then if you fuck her you get zero relationship points and you gain relationship points if you watch a movie!!!
I am at the mid of ch. 8 in my playthrough atm. My stats condition Is both faithfull, cuckold and swinging True, relationship points about 20-23.
Life Is Good and the relationship with my wife Is blooming. I have Fucked almost all uninteresting chicks available, my wife Is a mobile cock milking device, we both enjoy getting her Fucked by even old farts, or nated by creepy teens. Everywhere we go a random dude appers out of nowhere to please both. We dont fuck As a couple anymore but i get hjs.
If i manage to finish it, and when ch 11 Is released, Some midgets or orks appear to fuck anne, I will just hover Over the stats bar to figure out if we are doing better.
But i must be also carefull to dont make a mistake. I May look at an Ass in the wrong way and things will fall apart..