likes, on seperation path tony can choose to not tell anne the new hotwife task
dislikes, on seperation path, anne asks what the new hotwife task is during their first contact with each other after tony left to stay at daves. and even after cheating she doesnt stop for 1 minute all her sleeping around. also tony sends the office nerd to his wife after leaving, should have been a choice to shut that down too. they got serious relationship issues to work through regarding fucking everyone and everything, so why is she still at it? doesnt make sense unless there is no reconcilliation possible.
anne has zero remorse about any of her behavior, whether its having affairs with married men without their spouses approval or knowledge or having her own affairs, even though she has a free pass to sleep with everyone but 1 person in the world, add a 2nd and she has to have that too.
its no wonder their marriage was falling apart and tony wants to see other men screw his wife. better them than me would be my attitude as well, but i would break up with her first. the only way this marriage can work is complete open relationship, and even then its pointless cause they dont really love each other. anne is enamored if not in love with martin, has strong emotional and sexual connection to ryan and drake oh and kenny, and their buddy the real estate agent. as if 1 other person wasnt enough. i like the game, ill like it better if tony can get with nicole, emma or chelsea, in a relationship not just sex. ive never actually liked anne as tony's wife, old version or new she has never been reciprocal in the sharing, while having no problem in taking for herself. and whenever tony mentions his dislike for part of the relationship she uses the "this was your idea" card to excuse any and all behavior. even though they are new to all of it and she should be like, okay theres the line we found it. but nope, tony says here is a line and she says ooh i can jump that bitch, and when tony says how could you, "this was your idea" this is what you wanted. umm no its not, said i wanted to watch and share not catch syph while raising you son who also happens to be my baby brother. lol that would be an epic ending btw.
as i said, i like the game. but i only like anne in the way i like watching a specific stripper or porn star. you can watch them, you can bang them, but if you date em, its only so you can tell everyone you dated a porn star once. in the original i always wanted tony and nicole to hook up hook up and chelsea and the ex wife are just fun characters in the stories, though linda or whatever daves wife's name is quickly becoming a favorite. now for daves mom!
totally forgot what i was talking about which means its past time to finish this post.