Hi. today I have not much time for this great forum because i have to start mixing and mastering a song in my studio
anyway i will check dureng pause time
Hi, does anyone know when we might have the new update, thanks
usually it will be here when available in patreon for bronze or silver patreon.
chapter 15?? you are talking and still complaining about a chapter that was the cause of the remake
facepalm Just-for-you-LOL
again are you talking about Tacos?

again /
facepalm Just-for-you-LOL
The fact that it is avoidable is not important to me,
again this is one of the rare part where Anne has her own choices and it is in the game because Walker is her boss
Tony doesn't even know Walker at all... is just a in-game-logic way to present him to Tony,, and he is very happy to watch her fucked by walker
Important: was Anne to invite Walker.
logic dictates that as in the beginning Anne struggled over the plan that tony had she must be the first to have doubts...the story is perfect because it is on the very sixth wedding anniversary that Anne thinks again about the reasons that six months earlier made her doubt it was a good idea...
She realizes at this point that she had invited Walker because she was caught up in the whirlwind of the open relationship she would never have invited her boss on the vacation celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary
Walker is important bc was Anne the one invited him ...
if Walker had been invited by Tony, Anne might not have started pondering ... she was the one who invited someone and for the first time she is the one playing the part that has always been Tony's role in the past
but rather how little it contributes to the story when it would have been much more interesting to have Martin on vacation
Martin will have other times to show up in the Uncle Robert club!
for now Anne
as always you want change the story with senseless scenes..
the logic of the story is that Anne has to be the first to ask for a point of clarification...because she was the one who was reluctant to Tony's idea of starting to share her with strangers...he is the one who first proposed this plan and Anne rightly places all the blame on Tony for making her out to be a whore. it is Anne who has to blame him for her realizing that she has become a slut
Tony just want continue for ever this open relationship.. only in this he is stupid like all young boys,
As is always the case, young men think only with their dicks and are much less deep than women.Tony wants to remain the eternal PeterPan and believes that Anne is as happy as he is.
It is Anne the first that is trying to fix everything
She want to be with Tony as they were 6 month ago...
the whole thing has been a lot of fun for her too but maybe it is time to spill the whole truth
As for Tony on the other hand ... he is happy to be the "happy cuckold"he wanted to be for years... and believes that Anne is still on the same page as him ... instead Anne begins to wonder about the future of their relationship
She realizes at this point that she only invited Walker because she was caught up in the whirlwind of the open relationship, but she would never have invited her boss on the vacation celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary six months ago
That's why Anne want to be with Tony as they were 6 month ago (that is just a desire but not so easu to do after what they have done)... she is starting to struggled again .. at this point the old game was stoped and now we have tacos but i'm sure in tacos there will be this important scene when she start to invite Walker or someonelse by taking for her the role that has always been just the role of Tony and the emails that come from the site....
if you think well about this almost all the other men including Martin had somehow been invited by Tony to fuck her
Today she realizes that something in her is about to change permanently and warns Tony in the discussion they start in Barbados
Today she realizes that something in her mind is about to change permanently and warns Tony in the discussion they start in Barbados
Without Walker there is no way to write the point where is ANNE FOR FIRST THAT starts to have doubt!
No endings can be done if the in the couple both are alwas happt to fuck every girl/man they met.. because they will contionue to fuck everyone also when they will be old,, and even in the Heaven they will continue to fuck everyone
Anne will be the first to doubt... because Tony got the plan he wanted!
ooooo you give me an advice
I'm warning you to delete the OT part of your post
now and then you should keep an eye on your own signature..."you have to think with your own brain", don't try to be Martin or a king try to be yourself and learn to read and understand, not to guess what Tony, Emma, Anne or Ms. Piggy might think!!!
Thanks to be interested in me but it is better that you back on the game story
where Emma LEFT Tony for Martin big cock (bc Martin has a very large cock)
So, when Emma wanted to take care of a relationship with Tony and Tony's dad. Why would she leave him for his father?
Tony said, his ex-girlfriends always leave because of his dad. So he knew about the affair Emma was having with his dad, right??...no wait don't tell me!
Why would he else try to flirt with Anne and work on a relationship with her? Exactly, he knew about Emma and his dad!
Now Emma felt left behind and didn't try to gain Tony back, because she saw she couldn't compete against Anne.
Here we are
the first time Tony meets Emma in the game is in chapter 12.... up to this point we only know what Tony said:
Emma left Tony for his father dick size
this is what Tony says... and even Anne confirms this when she meets Emma as a stewardess in the Martin Airplane
These I have already posted to you in my awesome post (you know I am the King of this game dont you?).
here is the King post (n the bottom of the post there is my the post where I show you that it was
Emma who left Tony for Martin
if you want to talk about a complex story you must always take into account the chronology of events to avoid spolers for new game players.
then in chapter 12 Emma arrives with Anne and oops coincidentally Anne lets her in while Tony is jerking off in front of a porn movie in the living room
Emma was the first in the room and disapprovingly exclaims:
WTF! TONY??????

The Anne: Babe! what the fuck
this awkward context is short-lived and the next one is very important...because I think you're missing the point the story
a little after Anne sitting in the sofa with her legs open chats a little with her husband
ok ok but we have to skip this you can play this part in the game if you are interested
So the first time after the first year of the college is Anne that invites his husband to fuck Emma!
I don't know I will be like this in Tacos but certainly after chapter 11 Anne starts to become more confident and explicitly invites her husband to fuck her EX girlfriend
But we are talking about the first episode of the old game version
the second and last time Tony meets Emma is at the end of chapter 13
He fucks Emma inside a glory hole and makes her suck other people's dicks
For more info about the real scene with Tony and Emma at the gloryhole check this post
there areall dialogs that willmake you understand that Emma is SUPER WHORE!
check this post
edit: i forget the Emma post with full scene at glory hole
'm new to the forum, I've been approaching these types of games for a few months, I find good titles and decent plots, of course they are games based on porn, but some, in my modest opinion, leave me astounded, this game has a title that according to me, very misleading by the plot of the game
maybe you didn't have time to realize that the title spilled over to the name of the site where the husband enrolls the couple
the site is called "the adventurous couple" which gives the title to the game and that is where the emails come from that contain the weekly challenges that the couple chooses to do
I really don't think is misleading in any case
there are a lot af advetures that Anne and Tony will do to entertain as
or example that the challenge from the TAC website to go shopping for clothes and while she's trying them on she leaves the dressing room door open
or when she buys shoes she has to excite the clerk...and also with the pizza delivery she has to seduce the guy who brings the pizza
they are married
and if you read the prologue well ... if you are interested about tis store you can check on my other post
PS: the original title was "The Cuckold" but this not a good titòe because ot spoiler too much the content
and in any case is not the classic Cuckold
The author decided to chanhe the title according to an old post in his patreon page!
Uh-oh Stanford will be coming for you to tell you how wrong you are
as you can see it is you that was wrong! as always
I know that when I don't post you are lost and yearn to read my new interventions that make even the silliest of your posts interesting... but now I have to work
Apologies for the rant, but after being here and playing dozens of these 'games' over the past couple of years, I find it more and more difficult to download any of them. Finding something of real quality is most often an exercise in futility.
don't need to apologize
but remember those like you who have too high expectations most of the time he misses all the fun
there will be a lot of grammar spelling mistakes I apologize for that but i will back to correct
Now i have to do my job!
your beloved king