I'm new to the forum, I've been approaching these types of games for a few months, I find good titles and decent plots, of course they are games based on porn, but some, in my modest opinion, leave me astounded, this game has a title that according to me, very misleading by the plot of the game, I don't want to offend anyone, if you talk about an open couple, or an adventurous one, misrepresenting that there are some crushes and betrayals, when you then play the various options, read the premise, it's not what you think wait, but he is more of an MC who has this pleasure, even if perhaps too exaggerated, of seeing his wife with others, here the title falls, couple, then in the premise it says revive etc. but how can this happen in logic, if Anna fucks anything that she has a cock, forgive me, and that 60% of the time she does it alone behind her husband's back. Maybe I'm the one who has interpretation problems, but the best title would have been, MC the cuckold and Anna the Cazzi recordgirl.