What you're asking is one of the great unsolved mysteries of the game. I have a vague memory of Mircom3D suggesting that certain events
do happen whether or not we see them, but barring a definitive answer I think we're mostly left with speculation. Still, she's almost never home during the day. She's doing
My own preference would be that events happen whether or not the player sees them when they, 1) fulfill the numerical criteria (e.g. Anne is very likely to cheat), and 2) make sense on that path (e.g. they have an open relationship, so why not?). If that's the case, my coequal preference would be that the events would have variable-modifying consequences, even if we don't see them.
For example (this is an old enough event that I'm not going to spoil-protect it): if we're on a swinging route, Anne and Mike don't fool around in the beach bathroom and this decreases Anne's propensity to cheat; even though she and Mike already had sex, it's not the same if the MC isn't involved or aware. If we're in an open relationship, they do, Anne tells the MC about it, and it increases whatever variable monitors Anne's willingness to have sex with random NPCs she knows the MC would be okay with. If we're on a cheating route, they do and Anne doesn't tell the MC about it (or lies about it), which increases the variable that monitors her willingness to cheat. And so on...
As a general observation, what gets really tricky in multi-route games like this one is completely excising events or characters from the narrative. For example, a game in which Martin kept his hands to himself on his first visit leaves any future appearance from Martin either hobbled or necessarily bifurcated; there has to be a "didn't have sex with Anne" Martin and a "had sex with Anne behind the MC's back" Martin. The game has, thus far, successfully navigated that and most other significant deviations with only minor slip-ups, but it makes things a lot harder to code.
This is why I think that, in this particular game where sex with others is the core intent, it's easier to assume that nearly everything happens and then build routes around
how and
why they happen. Obviously, Martin is a deformative enough event that he kinda has to exist in two versions, but most others aren't.
That said, and please bear in mind these are only my guesses, not Mircom3D's actual answers: