I hope I'm not being annoying and it doesn't count as spam yet.
But I feel like I'm on a crusade for more pregnancy risk talk and thematization of birth control in games like this.
As I said in the threat of "JOHN" it is quite simple to put something like this in. All it takes is a few lines of text.
It doesn't have to be a confirmed or visible pregnancy, it's enough to talk about the possibility.
Maybe Anne asks not to come inside her when she is cheating because she is not on the pill.
Maybe Frank doesn't even know she's off the pill.
Maybe he had a vasectomy and she didn't have to worry about pregnancy until now.
Broken condoms, accidental creampies, there are so many possibilities and I'm sure there is quite a large fan group for this.
There have been requests and posts on the topic in this thread back in March.
With little effort you could possibly expand your target group (Patreon = cash) considerably
Just my two cents... again