Anne beeing a cheap and dirty whore is depends on your choice, that is on your intention during the game. If you want, you can avoid disgusting or ugly man (excepting the doctor).
No, I sadly cannot avoid the disgusting or unappealing people.
- The fat plumber
- Donny and Phil(?) I cannot remember if that was their name. (But the old guy is the worst.)
- The Dentist (as you mentioned.)
- Those young two boys.
- That boy at the lake. (Even though I pick not to send him to her.)
- (I can't remember if you can avoid the hotdog guy, I think you can't.)
Objectively Anne is a very attractive woman, but forcing her to fuck people that are literally a 1/10, lowers her worth.
Anne is not a low price because there is not possibble to get her with little effort for anybody. It is possible only for the selected men.
See the list from above.
There is no actual selection process going on, except for the challenges, Martin, Ryan, and I think some other guy.
She is not dirty (that is not dishonest or dishonourable because of her decision) excepting from the view of point of an individual (sexual) moral. From this (sexual) moral wiew of point, most of the games on the F95 portal are about cheap and dirty whores. But we like them! ...
All power to you. Not judging any fetishes or preferences.
And in my world, she can be dirty, but not cheap.
I am not playing the game because I want Anne to be a saint, but I still want her to have some class left.
If she wasn't cheap, then there would be a lot more build-up going on. Anne would check if the guy even reaches her level. But apparently, she has no preferences, type or any sort of "selection process".
The "sexual moral point of view" is no valid argument because it is a subjective point of view and up to the individual.
Anne is a cheap and dirty whore. Until the choices actually make it possible to avoid unwanted sexual interaction with really undesirable people.
As I said, all power to you and everyone who likes her that way, but keep in mind that not everyone is like that and don't try to tell me she isn't cheap.
I am also not asking for her to be changed, but I can still voice my opinion.