Walkthrough / Cheat Mods / Bug Fixes (Chap. 15: Monday+Tuesday)
This game now has 2 versions, TAC and TAC2 and are separate games with separate mods.
This is my Walkthrough, Cheat Mods and Bug Fixes for this game.
Using this on any other version of the game that is was not made for MAY BREAK IT so don't use it except for the version is was made for.
These mods add a Walkthrough that shows you what the options will do if they do anything.
It also adds Cheat Mods to allow you to do more of the options available without having to have multiple save paths.
It also fixes a few bugs left in by the dev.
I have several files available, the mods named for the version of the game they are made for and the rest are image packs that have had their exposure fixed for being way too under exposed and can be difficult to see the details if you don't have a high enough nit on your monitor.
Extract these files in the same folder you extracted the game into and overwrite when asked.
Download the Walkthrough/Cheat Mod version that matches the game version you are playing.
The optional Image Fixes are packs and you will need to download them all if you wish to use them.
Mega folder: