cant help but wonder what the real goal is
Tony's fetish is Anne fucking other guys (and, if the opportunity arises, women). He lies to his wife by presenting it as an opportunity to reinvigorate their marriage, when in fact he's just cajoling her into fulfilling his fetish. At first he wants to be there while it's happening, then he wants to see evidence of/hear about it, and (at least in the previous version) he stops caring very much about either, as long as it keeps happening. Tony views his own extracurricular opportunities as entirely separate from his fetish, which is why he often fails to tell Anne about them. In all three versions of the game, Tony's fetish leads to both of them acting increasingly out of control and destabilizing the foundation of their marriage. It's not particularly difficult to see what the point of the game is, since it's been consistent across versions: it's about Tony losing control of his marriage, because he cares more about his fetish and his own selfish desires than he does about his wife.
TAC actually introduced some endgame scenarios if Tony pushed Anne into this and then started changing his mind. As marriage-ending/game-ending scenarios go, those were always a bit off. On the other hand: Anne deciding that, from now on,
she'll be the one making decisions about who she does and doesn't fuck, and also that she longer particularly cares how Tony feels about it — and
that being the thing that destabilizes their marriage — makes a tremendous amount of sense. In that scenario, why should she be okay with Tony having sex with other women? She's changed the rules. As with the TACOS change to making her the only one to decide whether or not she's going to cheat with Martin, rather than letting Tony weigh in, he hasn't talked her into fulfilling his fetish, he's encouraged the full expression of her sexuality. Which he might not enjoy.
i see this game going down the QoS route
In none of the three versions of this game does Anne not
very clearly love black dick. In TAC, it was revealed that her affection extended at
least back to college. In the very first version it was even a route you could specifically choose. Hoping that TACOS will proceed differently, especially now that Dre's returned, seems quixotic.
The real reason for his disappointment is surely that Mircom decided to reboot the game at all.
In the sense that it's not reasonable for someone who's pirating the game to complain about a lack of progress, sure. Which is why I don't complain that he's taken three swings at (mostly) the same content.
three (as yet) unfinished versions of the same game are surely worthy of comment. There are plenty of reboots in this genre. There are almost never
two reboots of the same game, following the same essential storyline, unless there's been an engine change or a panicked response to Patreon threats. I don't think "wake me up when there's actually something new and different" is an unreasonable observation.