Others - Completed - The Agnietta ~Healer and the Cursed Dungeon~ [v1.05] [B-flat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely incredible game. The amount of animations and scenes is relatively modest, although they are very well-done, but everything is put together really well. The girl is extra-cute and innocent, which only makes the situations she gets in more sexy. And let me tell you, it gets from bad to worse for the poor maiden.
    The dialogue is actually well-written too, which is surprising. Gameplay is decent, it's designed to trap you if you're not paying attention, but not particularly difficult otherwise.

    The only defect I find besides the somewhat low number of enemies/scenes is that I prefer the dialogue when she hasn't turned into a complete cum-loving slut, but for that you pretty much have to reload after watching every scene where she gets fucked. Some early in-game way of resetting that would've been nice.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty good but is also very flawed, it's a decent first H game of the developer but other H games beat this game when it comes to either story, combat, or H content/presentation. Don't let my 3/5 score fool you though, this game is not bad by any means, it's just mediocre/above average when it comes to H game quality.

    First let's talk about the story. Story is 3/5 serviceable, coherent enough, and not that generic/unique. It's about a pure woman who goes to purify a dungeon full of lustful (90% of them are tentacles) creatures. The game has multiple endings (several bad ends, and a good true ending). Keep in mind that currently the true ending can be missed by failing to collect several skippable/missable items. Forcing you to either replay the game from the start in order to get the true ending (this game is not fun enough to replay it) or load a save downloaded online to see the true ending. Game length is pretty decent/GREAT it took me about 3-4 hours in order to get the true ending and I've explored everything, every nook and cranny but I did not engage with the H elements much since I was playing a pure run (it is possible in this game but certain H scenes are unskippable). The protagonist is alright, a Clutz female cleric/healer that has a catchphrase "Yeeks".

    Next is combat/gameplay I'd rate it about 2/5. It's not the worst combat system nor is it an extremely bad/tedious one but the combat system in this game is pretty bad/mediocre. You basically can easily defeat the enemies with spamming skills and you almost have unlimited resources to outlive the enemy in the fight (mana restore, healing, etc). The worst aspect of the combat system in this game is when you get crowded by a horde of enemies (sure you have aoe spells but getting crowded is still a quick way of getting fcked/dying) as you will melt/get downed quickly unless you burst them down. Getting surrounded by a horde of enemies rarely happens though. The game can be a bit buggy (although the dev is very active in fixing bugs found) here and there with things that are just minor inconveniences but there are currently no game breaking bugs (not that I've found) in the latest version.

    Art/H content is about 4/5. I personally outlived my love for tentacles (so the H-scenes were not that good for me) as this game has 90-95% of it's H content being tentacles or insects. So if that's your kink then you might enjoy this game. The art is also pretty nice, but can be jarring as the art (art style of the artist) can be reminiscent to the usual presentation of AI art these days but keep in mind that this game was developed before the AI-art shit got popular, so 99% this is not AI ART (but the art style is closely similar to them).

    The developer is also extremely passionate about his game (B-flat) and he even posted this game here (might be misremembering) when it was still in its alpha state (game development is still not finished). So support the dev on steam if you are a tentacle lover in order to get more tentacle games with proper English translations. I'd recommend this game only if you like TENTACLES since 90-95% of the H content in this game are tentacles, otherwise the game is decent enough to play if you got no H games to play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    a breath of new air for the genre, looking forward to more like it. If you like the fetishes involved, stop reading and start downloading the only thing you'll regret is not finding it sooner.

    Please leave a review with more than 200 words... seriously, but everything above already tells people all they need to know.. ok,
    one last thing, if you don't like the fetishes involved don't play this,,, common sense right..
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall good RPGM with a lot of great tentacles and corruption art, hampered by gameplay bugs wasting time and causing frustration.

    - Story -3/5 decent/solid, multiple endings,
    - CG's - 5/5 excellent (though wish had more scenes with other girls), great if you like tentacles (not much humanoid), parasites, corruption, pregnancy, some lactation, futa, etc.
    - Gameplay - 3/5 decent combat, good exploration, decent bosses

    - BUGS - you will get black-screened or soft-locked at various points and it is frustrating. by far the biggest issue
    - Controls - default controls somewhat awkward, can't play 1-handed
    - Not optimized
    - QOL - no autoscroll during CG's, only 9 save states + autosave
    - Only female VA moans, no other VA
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art that gets you off especially if you're a fan of tentacles sex and prefer not to see guys in it. This is coupled with decent combat and good map design. I may not speak for everyone but you should enjoy it as long as you are technically proficient and have a second gen Ryzen processor or up.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1838467

    Review of 1.00 B

    This game is a buggy mess. I can't tell you how may times I've gotten stuck on a black screen. Its kind of weird that this was even released when its clear this game needed more time in the oven.

    The combat is nothing to write home about. Very mindless combat of just pressing the same button over and over again without thinking.

    The art is pretty good in this game (about the only good thing in this game). Can't say too much about it since about the most I can say about art is its good.

    The music is nothing to write home about. Guess my music expectations are a little too high after playing Succubus Academia (aka peak). Its fine. Not gonna call it bad or anything.

    Yeah, kinda disappointed considering I remember earlier builds being more stable than this. Then again the last time I played this was like almost 2 years ago so. I feel like I remember after you died and watched a scene that you would have to escape from some area, but it seems to be glitched as you just get stuck on a black screen. Eh, who knows. It'll probably get patched soon, but I won't be coming back considering the game overall isn't engaging enough to even warrant playing it. If you are still reading this, just download a full save and watch the scenes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I totally recommend this, the art is sublime. This is the first time I've watched a priest get corrupted. Now i discovered a new aspect of adult gaming.
    Didn't think i would ever enjoy a pixel game this much
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    S.G. Stonefield

    This game is actually amazing. Play it and do yourself a favour.
    I am genuenly suprised with how much the soundtrack slaps!
    The track playing in the firezone is so good I wish someone would do a jazz arrangement out of it and put it on spotify!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    very good and would like more
    looks good, plays good.
    however sequence breaking is an issue about halfway through and Many enemies can be 'avoided' by just letting yourself be 'infested' and carrying on.
    Also I love the hypno hood and tit bug thing, very clever to make it affect gameplay
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Arthus Alagane

    First comment I've written on this site.
    I got half way through the game and thought it was over, but no it turns out there is like twice as much content as I thought there was. Well animated, two different dialogue branches for each "You're fucked" scene with good-ish writing. Mechanics are fun and/or fit well with the story. Show don't tell level design, and good art direction.
    The only problem would be some rewriting near the end, Still a verry good game considering it's competition, and the team.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game for people into monster rape. Personally I'm not into it.
    After 1 hour of gameplay i got bored and went right for cg's which are decent.

    Art 4/5
    Story 2/5
    Gameplay 2/5
    Fapability 2.5/5
    Originality 3/5
    Likes: ob123
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Cool mechanics and a clear love of rpg creation, but lackluster in erotica.

    The good: Agnietta is passable as an rpg. Your character gains strength, items, and even a power from a dungeon reminiscent of Ocarina of Time. You get a left click, right click, and a keybound ability that can be rotated. Mechanically, it's a pretty decent game!

    The problem: the game's identity. We're all here for porn, right? Well first of all, the things that make this game complex as an rpg also means it requires two hands to explore.

    Additionally, although the story itself sits somewhere around average quality, the porn content and mechanics are very much below average. You can literally run around the whole game with a slug or a tentacle buried in your cooch, ejaculating every 30 seconds, and the character will have no reaction or thoughts on it other than to cum if it fills your arousal bar to max.

    If you do trigger a sexual cutscene, there's little or no attempt to make it erotic or personalized to your current run. There seems to be only either the "virgin" version of a scene or a "total slut" version of a scene, and both versions are clinical and summary in nature, never lasting more than about 10 dry sentences. Finally, you have to reeeeeally like tentacles because I'd say 90% of scenes are a version of tentacle on woman.

    Overall I'm just not able to get connect with what the author of this game meant their game to be.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Im really surprised by the ratings here. I went to patreon and paid a lot to support the dev and play the full uncen version.... well, theres really not much going on. its actually mostly text and wandering around with the same cg repeated over and over. im giving 2 stars since the world is really cool and the idea is great, but its not enough fun and action. the content really needs to improve. dev seems talented but probably needs to have a talented animator do some quality work to actually make this an HGame instead of cg pics and big map exploration.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game (and a few others) is a 100/5 in context of pulling out a amazing game out of a total shit outdated engine. Nevertheless all problems that occur are for all intents not the games fault but just that you can only push a turd of a outdated engine so hard.

    This, Cursed Armor and Karryn's Prison are the best if not the perfect epitome of perfect seamless integration of sexual activity in their respective gameplay combat forms. Fundamentally for Healer and the Cursed Dungeon the fantastic artwork does almost all the heavy lifting of carrying the game. Aside from that there is an actual game here. Can run past. Can sneak past. Has puzzles and riddles that are not a flagrant fuck you tedious time waste. There is some challenge. Areas are not flagrantly large to time waste and enemies not flagrantly annoying as fuck just to slow you down.

    Curruption within the game is fantastic and always nice to see considering how atrociously lacking that niche is. Cause FFS you don’t go to 100mph/160kph in zero fucking seconds so vast majority don’t count.

    Story is great. It is consistent. Stays true and stays in context.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I’ve followed the development of this game since almost the day it was released. And after a few versions that I decided to hold off, coming back to it now feels like it has taken a turn for the worse.
    First thing first, the penalty for having both the plug and suit has become absolutely horrendous to play. You can’t run more than 2 cm before getting shocked by either the plug or the suit. If that isn’t enough to demonstrate how frequent they are, I got shocked 5 times during the time period of 10 seconds with 4 of them being two double shocks simultaneously. The game is just unplayable. Slightly run and all your stamina bar will get depleted. I remembered in the old version you can stack the plug + Suit + Panty and still can run for at least 10 seconds before getting shocked. That’s just tedious for no F reason.
    Secondly, the bugs. I myself am not a game developer so I can’t say whether a bug is easy to fix or not but A LOTS of bugs from before are still there. Like the UI bugs, Pregnancy bugs where you can’t progress past the first phrase even after a billion years for no reason. It combined with the new tedious shock system means once you got the suit from that rock’s quest and at the time got the pregnancy bug, I can only say good Fkin luck because he forced you to NOT be pregnant to be able to remove the suit. On top of that once you wear the suit, all defeated scene become that scene where you got rape by it.
    I used to have a lot of fun enjoying that game because of the idea, the gameplay and the art style but now after spending a whole night trying to get the same feeling, all remains inside me after closing it was anger and frustration.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Frustrating as it could be enjoyable if it weren't such a buggy mess.

    There will be a lot of times where attacks don't register, making for very inconsistent combat. You can launch a fireball at an enemy or try to melee a pot, but nothing happens. Sometimes you melee and it doesn't hit an enemy who is clearly in range, yet at other times it seems like I can melee something that's 3 tiles away. Objects, particularly stone pillars, will repeatedly come in and out of existence in a strange visual bug. Areas often suffer performance drops. The menu is a chore to navigate. Some interactables just don't work. You get stuck in game breaking bugs that force a restart.

    All in all, I did not enjoy it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Sweet art style, interesting gameplay and good story behind it. There is still lots of work to do with game, but it's already worth it! This is an absolute gem in this game genre! Without any hesitation - aproved!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.90

    This is one of the better "sex during combat" games out there. It employs the whole gimmick well, allowing you to continue playing the game while also experiencing the sexual content available in it, without getting a "game over".

    While you play, please keep this in mind: The "defeat" CGs do NOT require you to lose on purpose. This game has amazingly well balanced difficulty. You probably will lose, even if you don't want to. Losing does not mean the game is over. Play this game properly, and you'll still get your chances to keep a single hand on your keyboard. If you are good with games (you're playing fucking porn games, let's be straight with each other, you're probably not,) the HARD difficulty will be right for you, and at least for me, it provided an amazing experience of being on the edge 24/7, and even the normal mode takes effort to get through without "losing".

    Due to the fact that losing doesn't mean everything is over, this allows you to properly play the game as your character, trying your very best not to get raped by everything that desires your basketball sized milkers, and experience losing anyway. So you can keep trying to keep your character pure, and then enjoy it if you fail, even if it wasn't on purpose.

    Now, a quick list of what's good, and what's bad to wrap this up:

    -combat is well executed.
    -battle sex/rape is nicely meshed into said combat.
    -art, art, oh my god the art is amazing.
    -nice variety of enemies.
    -pregnancy and other mechanics are also well built, actually effecting your gameplay and not just being visual.

    You must be wondering, if this game is so amazing according to what I've said till now, why have I given it 3 stars? Well, time to jump into the naughty list:

    -the game often needs to be restarted due to various bugs, like: (trying to save at the place where you first meet the rock guy causes a complete freeze up and sometimes losing to the first boss doesn't trigger the after cg stuff so you're stuck there, and a few others I can't be asked to list)
    -horrifically bad controls, and key binds can't be changed. + you cannot use your mouse even in the menu, everything is done through your keyboard. You get used to it, but it takes time.
    -the MC IS SO DENSE LIKE GIRL PLEASE HOW ARE YOU SO TRUSTING, you're too pure for this world and my little lesbian heart can't take it please let me bring her out of the game and put her somewhere she will be safe forever :(

    However, this game is still worth a try, just for the gameplay, if you can get over the controls and.... okay-ish (at its best) story. A must play for anyone who likes games which actually require effort, and/or games with combat mechanics that mesh well with the erotic content.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.9] I fucking love this game. The corruption system can be frustratingly punishing at times (careful about getting yourself stuck in binds) but honestly the art is really good and overall the game itself is fun. I like the atmosphere, it's voiced, it looks great and it feels original. As others said, the porn and gameplay go hand in hand, you don't need to grind for it or meet any special conditions. Get it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Viole Eleonora

    love this game long time not meet game with animated smooth animation H scene.....

    genre pregnant, parasite and tantacle with girl trapped inside dungeon are lovely combo for me

    hope this game could finish until the ending while i keep support