Others - Completed - The Agnietta ~Healer and the Cursed Dungeon~ [v1.05] [B-flat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, good CG's, corruption and gameplay.
    Some issues with the newer versions not having content, so I ended up playing v0.82, which was great.
    Decent amount of content, about 3-4 hours.
    Corruption actually makes the game easier and there are no game-overs, so go hard (literally)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best (if not THE best) games out there right now. Love the lust and corruption mechanics as well as the body control aspects. On my end, I'd like a bit more of permanent mind triggers, but that'd just be icing on the cake. Keep up the good work!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Estrus Mark

    This game is incredible. One of the best games out there in how it treats its own erotic systems and really makes you feel the distress and corruption the protag is going through. The Art is stellar and used in very good ways.
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    One of the best games in the genre.
    If you are a fan of tentacles this game is a must play and it's easily a 5 stars .

    -Some of the best CGs I've ever seen,
    -High amount of enemies and scenes,
    -Cute girls,
    -Some degree of corruption which is always good,

    -I still can't get myself used to use SPACE to interact with things,
    -Not much replayability after two runs,
    -I feel like the status tab could be improved with new effects, and the addition of unlockable titles,

    I'm looking forward to see where this game goes, I really like it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good use of standing art, gameplay that doesn't feel monotonous (most of the time), fantastic art, the lewd side quests while amusing did drag on for a bit. Rarely felt lost or wasn't sure what to do while still feeling like I had the agency to make my own exploratory decisions. The only thing I feel like can say that might make the game better is just more of what's already there, obviously Agnietta is still in development so that's probably just a given. Overall: Fantastic, might end up being one of my favorites.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3673693

    If you like tentacles or parasites, basically a must play. Some of the nicest CG's of any game, and some fun predicaments the protagonist gets themselves in. Controls can be a bit strange, and the game seems like it has a bit to go until finished, but highly recommended all the same.
  7. 4.00 star(s)



    I struggled a bit at the start because of vision problems; it can get quite dark in the game, but some might say it's good atmosphere.

    I died some but save scumming is very effective in this game, so if you want to do a virgin run you can; I'm not a very good gamer but still could complete the game.

    The art is very good and you can save scum to get game-over CG. As far as I can tell you can get all damaged/enemy-latched-on CG from the get-go. Or you can beat the game and unlock all available trial CG.

    The music was pretty good and I didn't find myself subject to piercing screams when I wasn't playing the game muted.

    The story is no slouch and I like the world/feeling this game has.

    Also the Stuck gallery is fantastically implemented.

    I experienced 2 bugs but I had a few saves and the auto save is working pretty ok. One was the menu sound effects being connected to MC noises before freezing, and the other was the game freezing for some reason. Also the DLL stuff I had to do to get the game to start.

    I think this game is a very good tentacles, insect, and egg game.

    edit: Also, if you turn on X-ray and Butt view in settings, I personally found it to cover the screen too much. You do get x-ray naturally when enemies penetrate and ejaculate, and I don't remember if butt view occurs naturally or not.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    So first off. The game is pretty good, if not slightly unrefined. I appreciate the size of the dev squad and the ambition of the game, but I need to rate it based on other games and their quality. That being said

    First, the gameplay. It feels sluggish at best and downright like the controls are fighting against you at worst, and that is after I remapped the controls. I don't blame the devs here as much as I assume this will be fine tuned over time. The arcade style they are going for is hard to get right.

    Next, the art. Fantastic art here. If you like tentacle shit, then this is your Mecca. All the scenes were hot and don't take forever to get through like other games tend to do. Though I feel I got jebaited with the "animated" tag as this is just static pictures which I personally don't like much.

    The story is pretty basic for the genre. "Naive fantasy world healer girl goes into sex dungeon, what happens next will SHOCK you!" which is fine honestly. It's a vehicle to give context for our protag to get freaky with tentacles, but it's something to note.

    Overall, if tentacles are your thing, it's a pretty good game if you don't mind the janky gameplay and subpar story to get you to the porn, that I hope will get better. Watching development closely /10.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, let's forget about peculiar fetishization here and talk about gaming experience a bit.

    Unlike majority of lewd dungeon crawling games, this one tries very hard to bring a dynamic, gaming-console-like experience, with combat seamlessly integrated into exploration mode and a lot of lewd content also happening real-time on the same screen, in form of paperdoll silhouette on the right, changing her appearance as she progressively gets defiled, thumbnail indecent views of posterior and gut x-rays.

    With such an ambitious attempt there comes a challenge of optimizing the code and game controls, so the experience does not collapse under its own weight. And it is collapsing here, at this development stage. As your yet another barely legal, naive, valiant female virgin protagonist ventures deeper into the dark depths of our perverted imaginations and more slimy, disgusting, alien lifeforms attach to her body affecting not just her appearance, but also vital stats and abilities, the performance starts to suffer, as well as the enjoyment of playing. As her enemies spawn, you can clearly notice lag in your controls responsiveness, which becomes annoying. Add to it an overcomplicated control system, employing half of the keyboard's keys and... it's a challenge to play one-handed.

    You shouldn't worry about losing encounters though, as this is one of those typical H-games where sex scenes are not rewards for playing well, but lessons to learn for girls who were not careful enough. So, as is tradition, the consequence of defeat is a cute little rape scene. Which is something that I personally find harder and harder to stomach, the more such female protagonists I see in porn games. While I understand the kinky appeal of some elements of this, I generally disagree with, let's face it, objectification of women, which is not just making them into clueless objects of male desire (even if that desire is disguised as Gargoyle heads, another woman, Goatmen or flying dicks from another dimension) but denying them any sexual agency of their own. In may cases, you're supposed to play them as either resisting holy virgins (that's usually their initial status), or traumatized fallen heroines who eventually, reluctantly at first and then enthusiastically, accept their cum bucket fates. Very little nuance, very little deviation from the proud priestess turned dirty whore trope. And this game doubles down on that, employing creatures that very few people would sexualize in real life: imaginary, oversized arthropods and molluscs, waist-deep pools of semen and anthropomorphic cabrons thrown in for good measure. Call me an old-fashioned son of a boomer, but I've yet to meet a person in person, who'd honestly say they find insects and slugs sexually attractive. I know, I know, it's not these critters that are supposed to give the player a boner. It's the brainwashed young woman covered in them, impregnated, infested... Defiled, yet secretly enjoying it. If you're one of such players, then go ahead, enjoy yourself, I'm not judging. Just bear in mind the game at this stage has bugs, performance issues and design flaws that need to be addressed, so you can enjoy your proper bugs.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Overally good game. The art, gameplay and mechanics are awesome, although it still considerably needs improvement

    Optimization is a hot mess. I don't have a lot of experience with 2D games like this, but I expected it to load quickly and ran smoothly. Instead, performance is worse than Roblox knock-offs of popular shooters.

    Art is excellent, we all know that. Non-CG seggs and pregnancy is one of the best this site has ever seen

    Controls are kinda wacky, can be reconfigured by pressing F1

    Mazes are fun to explore. Lore and storyline is rather interesting for a hentai game

    Combat feels nice. Beginners may think it's hard to stay virgin but after a while you kinda learn how to cheese nearly everything

    There is enough content for 1-2 hours if you're focused on finishing the main quests. Remember that there isn't a quest navigator though
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very good. It does need some work done but what it has so far in v0.77.1 is great.

    The game play is rather janky but lets be honest, most of us aren't here for the gameplay. It is a standard rpgm styled game with meh controls. It is not the hardest game as there aren't set difficulty levels, however going for a pure run is rather annoying because of the lackluster controls and annoying enemies/circumstances. There is no level up system and you don't really need to grind much as everything is given out via chests.
    Most the enemies are very 2 dimensional (very flat and no diversity) and most of them will grab you and force an orgasm sometimes which makes it even harder for a pure run.
    One of the biggest issues I had with the gameplay is the speed of the game. When there aren't that many entities on the map, the game runs at normal speed. However, when there is a decent amount of entities, the game slows down to a snail and makes it annoying to play through. Maybe lowering some particle effects as an option would be nice to reduce the lag.
    There is a lot of game breaking bugs that will force you to restart and or figure your way out of that bug, but I did not really find it as an issue as it was just here and there and I knew how to resolve the no option panel bug rather easily (Only really happens during impure runs). Most of the time, as long as you don't try to experiment/test the boundries of the game, it will run fine.
    Controls: 6/10
    Gameplay: 4/10

    You didn't come here for the story... and if you did... you are lying...
    The story has some mysterious background to it and seems to be more about the church having some dark history to it. As of the moment, there is nothing that is revealed and only some hints to what is going on.
    Story/writing: 6/10

    Though the translation is not complete, it is still playable and you can finish the game without it honestly. The translation does its job and there isn't much to say about it. There is not broken ingrish and the writing is just alright. Nothing really praise worth other than good job.
    Translation: 7/10

    What we all came here for... the ART!!!
    I mean... The art is really good and THICC. There are a lot of great ones with monsters and everything with tentacles and shit. It hits the spot.
    Though one thing I do have to point out is that she lacks some expressions during scenes. I wish she was a bit more expressive but that isn't a priority right now.
    Art: Yes/10 (9.5/10)

    Final verdict-
    The game is still in its developmental stages but there is a decent amount of content. I am excited to see more of what it has to offer, especially the art. Gameplay could use a lot of tweaking and a lot of bugs needs fixing.
    Overall: 7/10
    Fap to: Of Course! I will do it again!
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Mr Technician

    I allways liked to play games like this. Many of them have got tentacle fetish involved. But not so many with element of interactivity that game provides. Actually seeing and hearing main character being enveloped and moaning with pleasure by them is the way to go for me. This can give you some more feeling/insight how it would look like IRL(?).
    I realy like the idea of freeplay. Also i am not being a fan of good ends or bad ends in games. Enjoying the game is much more appealing for me than seeing actual end of it.
    Well done so far!

    Game Version 0.80.0 - supposed optimisations are hurting overall performance on integrated graphics. (Thats sad, but to be totally honest i remove one star from overall rating now, making it 4/5. Any further drawbacks will result in further lowering the ratings. Sorry!)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    No, just no.
    Which year do we live in, the 1970?
    The controls are terrible, even worse than RPGM as in that you can at least use the mouse in the menus.
    It wasn't possible to maximize the screen either...

    The preview images show great potential but they're only to be seen during defeat.
    If anyone would extract the CG from this game I'd download it, but I'm not prepared to suffer through playing this to see them.

    Rated: 2/5
    Based on: v0.73.0
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I will rate this game ten out of ten! Nice animations and cool game realization! Very good for being a beta, very few bugs (saving near an npc, some lag between transitions)... Keep working on this please!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    All in all, it's a good game. There's some challenge, the story works and the art is very good. But the corruption and pregnancy were pretty underwhelming. Actually, the pregnancy not so much, as it's not a focus of the game, but binary corruption is always a disappointment

    Anyway, the game is great. It just failed in a particular point I expected more and so I can't bring myself to give it 5 stars
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This games is good. Content wise, it's short, but what it offers is really damn good, with a few minor hiccups here and there.

    The first major problem I have with the game is optimization and frame rates. They are not handled well. The game stutters and slows down all the time, especially in the semen pool areas and the monster dens, to the point that it becomes borderline unplayable. I'm genuinely not sure what causes it, or why it happens.

    The second, and final, small little hiccup is that I'm not the biggest fan of how she just becomes a slut after a few game-overs. I don't mind this all that much, since I usually go for slut runs in games first anyways, but it is a bit disconcerting how she goes from resisting the alien's onslaught to sucking them off at a moments notice.

    The art is stellar, and is great for the scenes involved. The variations based on whether or not the pc is a slut are always a joy to look at. I wouldn't change a thing about them.

    Overall, the game is really good at the moment, despite the crippling frame rate issues. The production quality is clearly quite high. It is worth your time, if you have a computer designed solely to fight god and that' s it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been very pleasantly surprised by this. This is just about everything I want from an H game: great art, gameplay that is developed enough to immerse you but doesn't wall you, excellent integration of gameplay and porn, level design that sets up a bunch of sexy scenarios and moves on before things get stale, and a competent technical execution.

    Of course this is still in-progress and there are some bugs, but there's a sizeable amount of high-quality content so it's definitely worth a play right now as well as following into the future.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, built on a literal shit bucket of a game engine.

    Seriously, it's the worst. Navigating inventory, skills, saving/loading is a pain in the ass. No mouse controls of the UI. Extremely sluggish. Can corrupt saves, and you have only 3 slots + 1 auto. I can go on describing how... this... software is not for the 21st century at all. It's atrocious. Its creators should be shot, quartered, shot again, and fed to the pigs.

    But if you suffer past the UI, the game itself is surprisingly playable. It's moderately challenging, although the translation is piss-poor (and some dialogues aren't translated at all). Took me a while to realize that the counter in the top right of the screen is money, and that you can buy gear at the teleport crystals.

    But it has some interesting mechanics, like your character doll actually providing useful information (what monsters have latched onto you). Generally the gameplay is enjoyable, lewd, and not dumb. You can play for the win, and not just slut out the heroine mindlessly. The CGs are unlocked when you reach the end, a wise design decision.

    Overall it's not bad, so I think 4 stars is appropriate and likely won't change in the future versions.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game exemplifies how to do a H-game right. good hentai and good gameplay are married seamlessly in this piece.

    The gameplay consists of a 2D Zelda dungeon crawler, complete with spells that you learn on your travels, an armour system that changes how your character looks and much more! The controls can be rather counterintuitive at fist blush, but are laid out to be optimal for the gameplay.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.67 beta

    Despire being beta game already have huge amount of random fetishes and rlly beautiful content

    Art style: 5/5
    MC art style is rlly something. Both thick and booty, having such a nice body. Also the standalone/crawling animation is also good. CG is relly gorgeous and can satisfy your desire.

    Battle system: 4.5/5
    Rlly good one. You can run/avoid hits, then throwing some fireball to enemy and kill them quickly. Easy to hit any kind of enemy. Also Boss enemyes isn OVERPOWERED, and can be killed easy using tight moves and strategy. Battle animation after defeat an enemy look strange, but overall there are no problem.

    Sound&Music: 5/5
    Nice music and sound. Good to play with headphones to enjoy

    Also good that you can progress game to be kept as VIRGIN.
    There is already some games with Dungeon theme when MC can be corrupted, but if you are looking something different with controls ability and interesting fetish you must try this game as well.
    Looking for more further updates(y)