HTML Completed The Allure of Wanton Cove [v1.15] [GateKeeper]

4.60 star(s) 5 Votes


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Take on the part of a washed up detective as he sets out to unravel a mystery that continues to plague him. Delve into a world steeped in the Cthulhu mythos, heavy in atmosphere and a prevailing sense of foreboding.

This game is largely text based, with some art (A percentage of Patreon earnings goes towards the commissioning of new art.) There is a free version of the game which I encourage people to try first before pledging, then if you enjoy my work so far, give a little pledge if you want to show a bit of support. The only difference between the Patreon and Public versions of the game is that the Patreon build includes a cheat menu that makes some content easier to explore.
New build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is live!
Version .96 includes about 5k words of new content. Including the Night 8 scene, new major scene on the waterfront on Day 9, new conversations, some minor rewrites, and other content.
Patreon Only Build (Includes Cheat Menu):

Public Build:


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Should be able to sleep at night to progress time forward.

UPDATE: Went looking because of the above comment. Seems there is a bug preventing the night 8 scene from playing. Will address this in the morning.
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May 15, 2017

There is no sleep option on Day 7 yet. Once you have explored what content you can find leading up to, and on, Day 8, then you have reached the end of the game's current content.
0.96 Patreon edition.
The game says I'm on day 8


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017

There is no sleep option on Day 7 yet. Once you have explored what content you can find leading up to, and on, Day 8, then you have reached the end of the game's current content.
0.96 Patreon edition.
The game says I'm on day 8
That's the bit of code I was just looking at. I'll try to get a fix up bright and early tomorrow. Watch for it in 10-12 hours from the time of this post.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Had a bug that was locking out the Night 8 and Day 9 content for most players. Has been resolved.

New download links to fix builds:

Patreon Build (Requires pledge for Cheat Menu):

Public Build (Free version):

Forgot to unlock the free link. Anyone who had trouble reaching it should be able to do so without trouble now.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
New Inheritance build is up for those who are interested. Enjoy!


"After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you dont know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


Version A2
This build is HUGE. It opens up several rooms that were previously locked within the house. There were probably 30-40 ambient scenes that were not triggering properly previously that should be working now. There are now five interactive scenes in the game. You can now sleep in your room in the house. You can eavesdrop on the girls in their room. You can now punish Anna if you wish to do so.

There is a ton of new content to explore, much of which is dependant on the time of day, sleeping arrangements for Anna, and even the current status of your relationship with each girl.

Version A1b
This is the current FREE version. New players should start here to see if they enjoy the game before pledging their support and picking up the Patreon version of the game. Patreons gain early access, with the current Patreon version becoming the new Free version whenever a new build is released.

This version of the game involves many mechanical improvements and the first of the interactive scenes to be included in the game. There is a known bug that is preventing players from summoning the girls to a couple of the rooms in the mansion.


A2 CHEAT Build (Requires a $5 Pledge):

A2 Patreon Build (Requires a $1 Pledge)

A1b (Free Version):
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Updated Inheritance with a couple of small fixes. (These only affect the Patreon only versions of the game.) This should fix the Clock issue with the wrong day of the week appearing. Also increased the likelihood of most interactive scenes to trigger to make them easier to find.

CHEAT Build ($5 Version):

Patreon Build ($1 Version):

Free version is the same.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Its a bit early on the grounds that I'll be gone much of the holiday weekend, but I've got a new build of Wanton Cove for everyone!

"You're a washed up ex-detective, living your life one bottle at a time when your old partner and estranged friend comes knocking. His son has gone missing, the police wont pursue the case, and he's run out of leads, so he comes looking to call in an old favor.

You hear him out, even if you have no intention of helping him out. But then he offers you the only clue he has to the whereabouts of his son. A hand written letter with a return address of Wanton Cove, the very name of which dregs up memories of the last horrible case you worked, a case that was never solved."

This build includes new art, new plot driven content related to both Mr Morichi and Vick, as well as other content having been added to the game!

Hope that you all enjoy!

NOTE: I wont have internet for about the next three days. If you see a bug, please report it, I'll do my best to get a fix out on Sunday for anything reported.

Patreon Only Version (Includes Cheat Menu. Requires $1 Pledge to download):

Public Version (Free Version):
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Jun 24, 2017
This game I like a lot and hate a lot at the same time. It has good writing, nice story, Cthulhu influences, and all that... but at the same time so much content is hidden behind random encounters it's really tedious. If you want to try to speed up the transformation, it's just click here, no goo, back, no goo, again... Maybe after some corruption level the events should have more chance to spawn.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Maybe you would like to know somebody has created a thread for Inheritance ( ). I enjoy your games and your writing and hope you will keep it up for a long time. Thank you very much for your work!
Wonderful! Thank you for pointing that out to me. I tried starting a thread a while back but it got pulled down without explanation. Looks like this one is staying up and is receiving a fairly good reception! Guess that's my next stop after posting this message!

Just wondering if the end of content is when you get to the part where Mr Jackobsons goes missing, at day 8 currently.
Current version of the game actually has some day 9 content. One stand alone scene plus a short scene chain.

This game I like a lot and hate a lot at the same time. It has good writing, nice story, Cthulhu influences, and all that... but at the same time so much content is hidden behind random encounters it's really tedious. If you want to try to speed up the transformation, it's just click here, no goo, back, no goo, again... Maybe after some corruption level the events should have more chance to spawn.
Actually, I have plans to deal with this balance a bit in the future. But if it helps any, the more corruption you gain, the more it builds on itself. You will gain additional taint whenever you sleep once you have your first point, . . .


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
New build of Wanton Cove is up for anyone who is interested.

Changelog .98

-Added one new piece of art to the game.

-Did some minor rewrite to the Night 8 scene.

-Fixed an error I found in the Night 8 scene.

-Placed a series of links for Deep One fight loss endings. Hopefully that will get that working correctly.

-Updated Case Notes, People section to reflect new information about Tanya.

-New book entry written. This is the last one. Much of the new content in this build is associated this.

-Added two more ambient scenes to the forest trail.

-Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 12/03/17

-Added about 7k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 311k words of content.

\ Public (Free) Build:

Patreon ($1 Pledge Required) Build
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
New Build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is ready to go! We're rapidly coming into the final scenes of the main narrative (With several side stories still to tell once that is complete.)

"You're a washed up ex-detective, living your life one bottle at a time when your old partner and estranged friend comes knocking. His son has gone missing, the police wont pursue the case, and he's run out of leads, so he comes looking to call in an old favor.

You hear him out, even if you have no intention of helping him out. But then he offers you the only clue he has to the whereabouts of his son. A hand written letter with a return address of Wanton Cove, the very name of which dregs up memories of the last horrible case you worked, a case that was never solved."


Changelog for .99:
-Wrote the night 9 scene.
-Day 10 Tavern Scene
-Day 10 Forest Scene
-Added two new pieces of art to the game.
-Added 5k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 316k words of content.

Cheat Build (Requires a $1 Pledge):

Public Build (Free):


The Bug Hunter
Feb 21, 2017
New Build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is ready to go! We're rapidly coming into the final scenes of the main narrative (With several side stories still to tell once that is complete.)

"You're a washed up ex-detective, living your life one bottle at a time when your old partner and estranged friend comes knocking. His son has gone missing, the police wont pursue the case, and he's run out of leads, so he comes looking to call in an old favor.

You hear him out, even if you have no intention of helping him out. But then he offers you the only clue he has to the whereabouts of his son. A hand written letter with a return address of Wanton Cove, the very name of which dregs up memories of the last horrible case you worked, a case that was never solved."


Changelog for .99:
-Wrote the night 9 scene.
-Day 10 Tavern Scene
-Day 10 Forest Scene
-Added two new pieces of art to the game.
-Added 5k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 316k words of content.

Cheat Build (Requires a $1 Pledge):

Public Build (Free):
By the way, there's no actual link for the public build there.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
By the way, there's no actual link for the public build there.
Thank you for the notice. Just got it fixed.

For once it wasn't even my fault! :p (Well, should have double checked, so guess its still my fault.) The upload was corrupted, so just had to fix that. Should be able to access it now. Sorry about the inconvenience.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Without spoiling the story too much, how big of a difference does it make to play as a fully transformed female?
Is there enough content on that side to justify taking it or is the male side better / has more content?

EDIT: Found a bug. On day 7 I gave the book away to the deep one but when I went to talk to Mr. Morichi, the story carried on as if I still had it with me.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Without spoiling the story too much, how big of a difference does it make to play as a fully transformed female?
Is there enough content on that side to justify taking it or is the male side better / has more content?

EDIT: Found a bug. On day 7 I gave the book away to the deep one but when I went to talk to Mr. Morichi, the story carried on as if I still had it with me.
Thank you for the bug report. Got it added to my fix-it list.

No more of less content either way with the transformation, though many of the people in Wanton Cove WILL react (Sometimes subtly) differently depending on your current transformation level. Many NPCs will react differently depending on if you are clearly male, starting to show changes, difficult to tell your gender, or fully female.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
As you all likely know, I went on vacation over the holidays, and combine that with being sick right before the trip, I lost a couple of weeks of work time. I've been playing catch up ever since.

What I have for you all today is more than a bug fix, but less than an major build.


-Resolved a phrasing issue with one of Ms Sherwood's scenes as well as added an additional Depravity check to the scene to create a better range of reactions from the protagonist.

-Ran down and worked on some issues related to the old leatherbound tome.

-Wrote one new scene for the game as well as made a couple of minor rewrites.

-Added 3k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 319k words of content.

Enjoy the new build. I'll be working hard on Wanton Cove tomorrow as well as all week next week in the hopes of getting a new test build up by next weekend.

Public Build:

Patreon Build (Cheat Build, $1 Pledge required):
4.60 star(s) 5 Votes