So, I started playing this yesterday, and I'm amazed how much effort went into this. The interface I love especially, with some prompts having this fairy wings. The models are gorgeous and animated scenes are top notch. I also love how selecting the preferred "incest level" has been implemented in the form of returning memories.
However, there seem to be holes between incest/non incest versions. If you go with family options, characters still tend to refer to Abby by her name. Likewise, Abby will call MC Tenant in the scene where you see from her PoV. This kinda ruins the kink immersion.
And this is just a tiny detail, but I feel like you should lose access to your phone for that short moment between Jim stealing it and Sarah returning it.
EDIT: So I completed the game, and have no negative opinions, except the clumsy dialogue in Abby's path, that comes from the switch between Mom and Landlady (she always calls you Tenant, and her vehement refusal to get close to you at the beginning seems out of proportions for non incest path). But aside from that, I loved everything.
The protagonist is also decent. He is not a scummy manipulator or a douche and while he can have scummy moments, those are moments. And in the end he will usually make the right choice (like giving Klara the tape and dropping the blackmail game), so he is pleasant to play as.
And in the end, I have one last question. I'm missing a last secret in gallery. It's a last pic in the second to last row. It would be #28 aand walkkthrough doesn't seem to cover it that far, so can someone tell me what I missed?