I really appreciate your feedbacks man. Would you mind joining the Discord? Everyone who would like to give ideas on characters and on the story continuation are welcome. It would also help me to develop the game better.
Secondly , Would you please elaborate the "high" and "mighty" girls part? Was it in a good sense or..?
I know it doesn't matter anymore but I forgot to answer your question.
Well, I was talking about the 2 girls in the Artefacts department. By high and mighty, I was refering to to them looking down on us, their coldness, their distance. As for knowing if it's good or not, it depends on the reason behind : if it's their personality, their shyness, their professionlism, that they don't know us, it can fade away with time; but if it's because of their status, their power, their money, it makes me want to avoid them.
As for the dev notes :
The project has been put on hold by me for some time. I did it in my free time and ,Things have somehow kick started irl for good for me ,unfortunately I don't get much time for developing now. The community is free to take the project up and develop it . It was made with Twine and is easy to learn to work around. Peace!
I'm sad since you seemed to have fun doing it and was friendly interacting with us.
Having anybody take over someone else project is not always a good idea, though there are a few sucesses.
Good continuation.