Dracula was good, Interview of the vampire was one of the few movies I liked better than the book, havn't read I am legend think I'll get that one on order thanks for the suggestion

. Only made it through half of the 1st twilight book that one was bad, vampires that don't kill people or drink blood are not vampires. Salem's lot was decent and for games vampire the masquerade was good but also a old one.
I am not a specialist. I have played quite a lot of vamp games. My love for them started with Legacy of Kain, which to date is among the best stories ever written. They are old videogames.
I have read some of the classics, Dracula from Bran Stroker, and Interview with a vampire, from Anne Rice. I am Legend, which is actually a very good book, unlike the movie. And it is where I learned that we should not judge any book until it is over. Some things only make sense at the end.
I even read that crap Twilight before it was popular. What a total shit. Waste of time.
Arigon and
BigStuffedTiger can probably recommend a lot more, they are the specialist in VTM in Rebirth thread.
Vampire the Masquerade - (much less so Requiem) (( NOT 5th edition VtM as it is not worth the paper it is printed on) by WHITE WOLF generated dozens if not hundreds of novels about their extremely well developed vampire lore. That lore is strangely enough linked to Christian and Judaism myth represented in the various manuscripts produced to inspire the respective religions. (Old Testament being really solid basis but others as well). The reason I say strangely enough is that Mark Rein-Hagan the creator (along with Stephen Weick) is agnostic at best, and probably either a Deist or Atheist. In any case there are a huge number of novels that were written in the universe created by Rein-Hagan. It is commonly known as the World of Darkness, which shares a history with our own real history, but has supernatural beings acting behind the scenes and driving most things that happen, and as a result the world itself is dystopian in nature. There are also a large number of works on their equally well thought out Werewolf franchise, Wraiths, and Mages. All told for the World of Darkness there might well be several hundred published works not counting those written based on the later Requiem series or the excremental 5th edition of VtM.
Text based, choice matter Vampire The Masquerade: Night Roads which is available on steam is pretty much like playing a session of vampire table top. Unfortunately it is set in the 5th edition setting, but in spite of that it is a very strongly recommended read from me.
As for other novels I will provide some links below. The wiki for World of Darkness will point you to some excellent choices.
In addition to the novels, I would recommend the actual game books for all of the various pre 5th edition World of Darkness games.. Those alone will give you hundreds of hours of reading goodness and give you a strong insight into games which draw from the game such as this one, and the VN Rebirth which I can not recommend highly enough.
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Hopefully these will give you sufficient books to keep you busy while you wait for all your favorite visual novels to update. I also recommend that you purchase Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines on Steam. It allows you to play an entire campaign as a vampire of your own creation, from the very beginning, to the satisfying ending. That game is referenced in all of the modern VN that are being published by the current owners of the intellectual property and is canon for those works. The highly anticipated Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 is in limbo after the publishing company lost faith with the developers and fired them. There are tons of conspiracy theories on that alone in the various forums on Steam and elsewhere.
I hope this helps, and if I can be of further assistance, just ask
Late Edit-
Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice, and the somewhat questionably produced movie staring Tom Cruise as Lestat was a fairly good movie.
The sequel-Queen of the Damned in my estimation is a far superior movie.
Underworld series of movies had creative and production staff from White Wolf working on the script and production of those movies. While they are not canon for the World Of Darkness, they do a credible job of vampires and werewolves (Lycans).
There are also movies and a short series for television based on the World of Darkness.
Peace again