Fixed. That's a result of me panic-patching the previous missing images. My apologies for the inconvenience there.This looks alright so far. Curious to see how MC will behave in this situation. I know I would be royally pissed if I found out people have been mind-controlling me.
I'd like to echo some of the previous comments about the game's overall format. I, too, detest sandboxes. I've recently become more tolerant of them, but I'd still prefer a good old VN.
One more thing. When Senna, or whatever her name was, gave me a 'tour' of the resort, that tour consisted of two missing images. I would call that a red flag.
No biggie. Just found it funny that the tour consisted of nothing to see.Fixed. That's a result of me panic-patching the previous missing images. My apologies for the inconvenience there.
Thanks for make me 12. What can I say? I LOVE BOOBS!!!!I quite like the setting and the potential story, but I'm not loving the visuals. Why do so many of these games have to have boobs and asses that are literally bigger than the character's torso? Is the target audience 12 year olds who just figured out how to play with themselves?
Not necessarily, I am just taking time to reevaluate this game's direction and at the same time working on different projects (both in- and outside of 18+ games).Is this game died?