So saw a person asking how where they put in Sugarcube.State.variables into modify stats. You press F12 on Chrome and Firefox (haven't test IE, Safari or Edge and I assume neither has anyone else) and a window should apear and where it says Console should be an arrow, click next to the arrow and type in Sugarcube.State.variables and then press enter. This will bring collapsible list and in that list you can edit pretty much everything in the game stats wise as well as toggle flags. I don't really mess with flags. The stats that you might want to remember (and the ones that mess with most things) are DoseCD which affects if you can dose a person again that day (can't figure out how to get the serum's to not increase the cooldown/CD), Love, Dom (some characters like Tasha need higher dom amount for progression) and Lust which all appear in a drop down of each character, Then there's time manipulation which is under the label time (duh) and only stat I'd suggest messing with in here is cTime which is short for current time and ranges from 0-6 which are early morning = 0 to late night = 6