First of all: thanks for a great game! There isn't much out there, that has the potential to get attached. This is an exeption. Keep up the good work!
This said, i would have 2 suggestions, maybe you want to consider.
1. Maybe think about giving the player more freedom in deciding wether to drug his fellows, or not. What you did there with Penny is great. You CAN drug her, to let her agree to kinky stuff, but you can win her heart completely without it. Why not applying this to all the charakters? Some of them might need a bit of chemical help to get started at all (due to uncommon circumstances), but wouldn't it be interesting, if the rest would be possibilities and not necessarities? Just saying. ^^
2. If you put someone like Tasha in the Pot, why not taking an Actress that actually packs that special extra? Same goes for "Mom's special addition" -> if she has to have both, she should have both. I am pretty sure, there is a fitting solution for Tasha out there and if Hermaphrodites aren't available, maybe consider to just turn mom tranny?
Please keep on going. I am really looking forward to see, what is to cum (bad pun - couldn't resist)