Great game, I played the story mode 3 times already. Quite a lot of replayability.
A few issues? Or maybe features? IDK.
- You can still "date" your lab assistance (on weekends), even if she becomes john's pet. That kept me thinking, you can't keep her serum storyline going if she does becomes his pet, right?
- 3 Playthroughs and Tasha hasn't brought me my god damn coffee! That bitch! such a slacker.
- You can keep shrinking you "tiny clit" even when it reaches the smallest size.
- Tranny Sissy Bimbo, Tranny Bimbo, and Bimbo all have the same "portrait"?
- Sophie gave me her number, doesn't matter the time I call her, I always lose rep with her, its a rep check that you need to reach with her before you call her?
- If you go Dom router for John, you still get the option to doze Tasha's coffee with the "Can't do that while John behave the way he does" But there is no way to change John behaviour, maybe a change on the dialogue to "This is as far as she goes" or something between those lines?
With that said, keep up the good work!