Lmao handily, it won by 1 percent over physical transformation
Good grief, so now you're moving the goalposts to the definition of "handily"? When I voted, Dom John was leading by 3 or 4 points. If that changed then I officially retract "handily". Does that make you happy?
In any case, the point remains that the poll was not rigged or misleading. There were three very clear choices, and all three were going to be included in the John update, the poll was only about the order of them. This was also very clearly stated.
the people who voted for mental clearly would have taken physical as a second choice at a much higher rate over dom.
And you know this, how? I mean, you certainly might be correct, I voted for mental transformation and physical would have been my second choice, but I'm not so arrogant to think my choice is the same as everyone else. There is absolutely nothing, other than perception bias, to suggest that the majority of "mental" voters would have chosen "physical" as a second choice. And regardless, none of that changes the fact that the poll wasn't about what would be included, only the order of it. Which, again, was very clearly communicated.