I should know not to poke this angry wasp nest with a handy, dandy flaming stick buuuuuuttt.. *picks up the stick* Is the Ava and Dakota update going to be sizeably sized if-- assuming I'm reading the post correctly -- they are alloted a mere months time alongside some maintance to boot?
If it is still a mighty chunk of content, aces, looking forward to it. Hopefully that ray 'o sunshine and sibling/mother florking is enough to lighten our hearts and wallets alike.
Bonus points if Dakota can also gain the D and create a mystery flavor milkshake surprise inside the protagonist along with Ava whilst playing a rousing game of Guess Who is the Daddy? (Spoiler, the secret ingrediant is love.)
Wombo combo if somehow the protag figures out to go full herm and it's just a magical roulette wheel of who is shagging who in the homestead.
It's also terribly likely that I'm just not well versed on where things stand, as I have not donated nor frequented the discord in quite a while due to the lengthy you know what about you know who. Probably going to hold off on diving in until the familial types get some loving, but does anybody know if there is wingman version/anything new to Channel in the wake of all this activity?