Might be refering to Dakota, not sure if its still the case but regardless of path chosen, she used bring back men home once you progress to blowjob stage.well i really WONDER!! if you all reat the Notebook very accurate..!? The big fun i had is reading what the MC says to the girls/john when he is drugging them and then what REALLY happens or where it leads... best example Mrs Dee when you put her in place and make her a submissive bitch and then at HQ she turns the table and you end up beeing a impotent sissy... or the catcollar if you arent dominant suddenly around YOUR neck and not Avas..... but hey guys have a big dick and be dominant and you are the ruler...... i really really DONT get it why you complain about possible twists and "bad endings" you dont need to play those routes
Even if you where dominant and where able to opt out of seeing most of those sex scenes, it was still heavily implied of what was happening. So even when dominant you had the chance of getting cucked.
I personaly don't care much about it, its part of the character development and it gives a more natural progression.
At first she is chosing an outlet for her desires who is more natural to her then you, untill she can no longer deny her intrest in you.
But the point remains, unless path changed since last time, you could get cucked even in the dominant playthrough.
A valid concern for some, but imo just part of the games story.
edit: nvm, i see it wasn't Dakota. To my defence it was a wall of text to read.